Trinity believes that every person has gifts for ministry. Some people have particular gifts in leadership and compassion. We elect and ordain these individuals to serve as Elders and Deacons in our congregation. Our Elders serve in three year terms on our Session, the governing body of our congregation. Moderated by our Pastor, the Session is responsible for the ministries of governance and discernment of the congregation. Our Deacons serve in three year terms on our Board of Deacons, the group responsible for the ministries of witness and compassion in our congregation and the broader community. Both Elders and Deacons serve as co-chairs of our various committees, bringing their unique gifts for ministry to the work of the church.
Current Elders (2025)
Daphne Anderson - Christian Education & Faith Formation
Carrie Arquitt - Personnel, Trustees
Bill Trotter - Generosity & Engagement
Mike Wills - Welcome & Fellowship
David Fleetwood - Personnel, Nominating
Teresa Olsen - Worship & Music, Mission & Public Witness
Max Perryman - Finance, Trustees
Martha Sparrow - Mission & Public Witness
Kristin Butler - Worship & Music
David Hart - Finance
Beth Kick - Finance, Trustees
Marsha Landrith - Communications
Current Deacons (2025)
Karen Cavicchia - Personnel
Barbara Highley - Congregational Care, Mission & Public Witness
Edith Reed - Congregational Care
Mike Simpson - Mission & Public Witness, Communications
Cletus Johnson - Worship & Music
Brenda Kane - Welcome & Fellowship
Colleen Lightwine - Congregational Care, Mission & Public Witness
Cynthia Oliver - Mission & Public Witness
Marilyn Bell - Congregational Care
Diane Meade - Worship & Music
Sarah Muegge - Welcome & Fellowship, Christian Education & Faith Formation
Nancy Winchip - Generosity & Engagement