Mission & Public Witness
Trinity House at Eden Village provides a permanent, safe, and dignified home for a friend who is disabled and had lived on the street for a long time.
We live to share Christ’s love with everyone, without requiring they be like us or fit a certain mold. Presbyterians recognize that Christians are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus cared for the whole person, we share God’s love in Christ through many activities. Among these are:
Feeding the hungry
Working for justice
Supporting education
Providing ministries of healing
Nurturing relationships
At Trinity, we seek to live purposefully, and respond to the needs of people locally, regionally, and globally. We seek to do transformative work, preferring in-depth, long-term partnerships rather than simply sending a check. Many of our members are routinely involved in the “hands and feet” work of the Kingdom with our partners. Some of our mission partners include:
Crosslines Food Assistance
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Living Waters for the World
Meals at Grace United Methodist
Rare Breed
Eden Village