Trinity 2024 Pledge Campaign
Nurturing Connections
Vision and Connection
At the beginning of 2023, as I met with our Elders, Deacons, and Staff at our annual leadership orientation, I shared the two key priorities I had for the year: Vision and Connection. I challenged our leadership to develop a forward-looking, post-COVID vision for Trinity, while at the same time committing to put significant effort into nurturing deeper connections among our Trinity community.
I am deeply grateful to see the fruits of that labor already coming into view. We have adopted a ministry plan for the coming years that will help us live into our vision of Trinity as a faith community known for nurturing all generations for authentic sharing of God's love. We are expanding our caring ministries to more faithfully connect with all those God has called to our fellowship. What a joy!
All of this work is possible thanks to your faithful generosity. I trust you will prayerfully consider how God is calling you to participate in this work in 2024 as we together nurture the connections all around us!
Grace and Peace - Pastor Chris
How to Make Your Pledge
Making your 2024 pledge of financial support to Trinity is both important and easy. If you’re a member of Trinity and/or someone who pledged last year, you will receive a pledge packet in the mail. Simply fill out the included pledge card with your name, contact information, and how much you want to pledge.
During worship on Pledge Sunday, October 22, 2023, we will bring forward our pledges and dedicate them to the service of God’s Church. Bring your completed Pledge Card with you to this service, which will be followed by our annual Pie Supper! You may also bring your card to the church office prior to Pledge Sunday.
You can also pledge securely online right here. Simply fill out the secure online form and click “Submit.” Your pledge is sent securely to our finance team with no wait.
However you make your pledge, thank you!

The Trinity Vision
Your leadership has a vision for Trinity that is exciting and hope-filled. We are working to build a faith community known for nurturing all generations for authentic sharing of God’s love.
At Trinity, there is a place for everyone to be known, loved, and supported.
Vision to Reality
To make the vision a reality our Session has adopted a detailed ministry plan based on our community’s work together over the past 18 months with the Vital Congregations Initiative and the US Congregational Vitality Survey. From improved communication to assessing ways to grow, we are taking steps now.
We Need Your Help
As we seek to enhance our ministries with all generations, especially with children and youth, we need your help. From volunteer roles to financial resources for necessary staff support, there are ways each of us can help nurture connections here at Trinity. Your pledge of financial support for 2024 will help us respond in faith and hope to God’s calling for Trinity.