Worship With Trinity
At Trinity, we gather each week for worship. It is a time for us each week to re-orient ourselves to the way of Christ. In music, prayer, and scripture we respond in gratitude to God’s abundant grace. You are invited to participate in worship either in-person or via livestream broadcast.
Worship With Trinity
Click the play icon below to start the most recent worship service with Trinity Presbyterian Church. Worship begins at 11:30am each Sunday; our broadcast will start a few minutes prior with announcements about our life and ministry together. You may find previous services by tapping the “playlist” icon in the top right of the video player.
Why Do We Say
“Extended Worship?”
As churches around the world have adapted to online worship in the midst of the pandemic, lots of terms have been used to refer to worship that takes place online. Worship is described as virtual, online, or at-home. While all of these terms are accurate, at Trinity we use the term Extended Worship for a reason. Our worship is not limited by physical location, so as we move out of our building we are extending our experience of worship — our understanding of church. We are extending the holiness many of us closely associate with our sanctuary to our living room, kitchen table, and back garden.
Weekly Worship Resources
Each week our Trinity staff put together a host of resources in addition to our main worship service. From important announcements about our life together to resources designed for families, we want to help you on your faith journey in this hard season of our common life. Below are the four most recent services; click on the date to pull up all we have prepared for you.