Trinity Newsletter for January 23, 2025

AED Training

Ushers, officers, and interested persons are invited to a demonstration and hands-on opportunity to operate an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) trainer. The church has an AED on the back wall of the sanctuary. The demonstration will be held on Sunday Jan 26 only at 9:00 a.m. in the Gathering Area and 11:00 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. 

If you have any questions, text Sarah Muegge at 417-882-2471.

Join Trinity’s Ministry of WELCOME

Trinity is a connecting community, and that starts with a warm greeting as people enter our doors. Could you welcome worshippers, pass offering plates and assist with some simple tasks such as gathering friendship pad sheets and turning out lights after church? Volunteer for as many or as few Sundays as you like. Please contact Kristin Butler, 417-414-5544. 

First Impression Volunteers

Are you looking for a way to support Trinity with your gift of time? Volunteer to serve as a Greeter at the Welcome Desk in the West Lobby -- once a month, every week, or somewhere in between.

Volunteer shifts are usually 9 a.m. to Noon or Noon to 3 p.m. You do not need to be tech-savvy to volunteer.

The primary responsibilities are to answer the main Trinity and Brentwood phones and assist callers with grace; assist with basic office tasks, such as folding and stuffing bulletins or mailings; and – most importantly – to be a friendly, welcoming face for anyone who comes to our doors. Help us make a good first impression!

There are available dates through March 31, 2025. To sign up, simply follow the link below, choose an open time slot(s), and enter your name, email, and phone number. There is no login or password needed. SIGN UP HERE.

Thank you in advance for helping make Trinity a more welcoming place!

Screen Time?

Our wonderful AV team would like to request that if you ever need anything put on the screens for any service that is held at Trinity, please let us know in advance so we can load things into the program properly. Sometimes it is very hard to load things moments before an event. Thank you for this consideration.

Lost and Found

Wondering where your pen, mug, charger, book, hat, sunglasses, or other elusive item is? Items turned into the church office will be placed in our new Lost & Found tubs, located on the shelf above the accessibility devices near the West entrance. 

Wiggle Room

Everyone is welcome in the sanctuary. If you have a fussy child and would like to step out while continuing to participate in worship, please feel free to make use of our new Wiggle Room in Room 14. The room is outfitted with comfortable chairs, a changing table, a small bathroom, and a new (to us) television mounted on the wall, showing the livestream. Please note that children in the Wiggle Room must be accompanied by a grownup who brought them. Children three-and-under can be dropped off in the Nursery in Room 12.

Get More Each Week

Our weekly email newsletter contains more updates than we include on the website. Get our monthly birthday updates, prayer requests, and more by signing up to get the newsletter delivered to your inbox each Thursday morning. Tap the button below to sign up now.

CSG Welcomes Refugee Families

CSG members preparing hot meals for refugee families they will meet at the airport later that night.

During the last six weeks of 2024, Trinity's Community Support Group has greeted refugees at the airport and provided hot meals and cold-weather necessities for 63 people as part of 14 families arriving on 10 different dates from warm countries. In January we have welcomed 27 people from 4 warm countries and provided 23 hot meals upon arrival. Trinity provided a washer and a dryer for one family; we provided shoes, coats, and groceries for another. Thank you for your generosity, making these gifts possible.

Trinity Sunday School Classes

Sunday School opportunities for all ages. Please consider joining us in exploring our faith and learning from one another in spaces of grace and love. All classes begin at 10:15 a.m.

Children's Sunday School: We meet from 10:15-11:15 in room 10. In November we will study lessons about David, and December lessons will be related to Advent.

Youth-Opportunities to Connect: In the planning stages for this year! Friends are welcome to join in activities and events as we connect with each other in and outside of Trinity.

Adult Class Offerings

Please join us in the Topical Discussions Fellowship for Sunday school:

  • January 26-Christian Doctrine by Guthrie, re: our Christian hope for the afterlife

  • February 2-Christian Doctrine by Guthrie, re: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

  • February 9-Examples of the Holy Spirit-Part 1

  • February 16-Examples of the Holy Spirit-Part 2

  • February 23-The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World by Hamilton

  Part 1: The Kingdom of God Has Come Near

We meet 10:15-11:15 in Fellowship Hall, with good fellowship, coffee, and treats.

If you are not able to join our in-person class, then Tap the Link Below to join the class via Zoom:

Meeting ID 872 5897 6689

Passcode    225115   

January 26 through March 9, the adult class in room 17 (formerly SALT and Studying the Word) will be sharing a video and discussion series: Painting the Stars; Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith.

Celebrating the communion of science and faith, Painting the Stars explores the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality. Featuring over a dozen leading theologians and progressive thinkers, the program includes video and guided discussion. 

Video speakers include: Philip Clayton, Michael Dowd, Rachel Held Evans, Matthew Fox, Catherine Keller, Megan McKenna, Michael Morwood, Jan Phillips, Barbara Rossing, Bruce Sanguin, Bernard Brandon Scott, John Shelby Spong, Gretta Vosper.

Join us for any of our sessions. Participant reading guides will be provided. 

Contact Amy Price with questions or to get a copy of the reading guide.

To join us remotely via Ring Central, use the link below!

Four and More: This Bible study derives its name from meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays (presently meeting in person in room 17 at Trinity, and by Zoom). Anyone wanting to join can send their email address to the study leader Jane Huffstetler, and she will provide the Zoom 


Worship for January 26, 2025


Worship for January 19, 2025