Trinity Newsletter for March 27, 2025
Seder Meal
This Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall we will gather from 10:15 until 11:15 a.m. for an abbreviated Seder meal. Modern Jews celebrate Seder each year at Passover. When Jesus gathered in the Upper Room with his disciples, he was celebrating the Seder with them.
Since then, Jewish customs have changed substantially and the annual celebration of the Passover is one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar.
Special food will be served and Sophia Platz,, our Youth Coordinator, will explain their significance.
Trinity House at Eden Village
In 2018, Pastor Miller and the Mission and Public Witness Committee visited a new tiny home community for the chronically homeless. Eden Village and its vision touched our hearts and we wanted to be part of its mission to end homelessness. Our church sponsored a tiny home, which is known as Trinity House, and Marie Shayhan has lived in the home since it was completed. Recently, Marie's health made it unsafe for her to live alone and her family made the decision to move her to a care facility.
A new resident will be moving into Trinity House soon and the home needs to be refurnished. A wish list has been established at Walmart if you would like to help purchase items for the home. Click on the link below and it should take you to Trinity House Eden Village 1. Thank you in advance for your continuing support! If you have any problems with the link to Walmart please contact Kate Companik.
Brenda Havens, Kate Companik, and Pastor Tom will be touring Eden Village on Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join us.
Lenten Bible Exploration
Starting Tuesday, March 11, Lenten Bible Exploration will meet in the Trinity Room, each Tuesday from 12:00 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. Explorers should bring their Bibles, their lunches, and their curiosity. Each session we will read aloud and discuss lessons for future Sunday worship services.
Here’s the schedule for readings:
April 1 Luke 19:28-44, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
April 8 Pastor Tom will be away, no meeting
April 15 Luke 24:13-49, Isaiah 25:6-9
Liturgists for March
Thank you to the following people for sharing their talents by serving as liturgist in the month of March.
March 23 - Colene Hank
March 30 - Mary Kay Hoops
If you would like to volunteer for liturgist, please contact Martha Bledsoe
Annual Garage Sale
It’s time again for the
Two Congregation Church Garage Sale
May 1-3, 2025
Save your stuff!
Details and volunteer sign-up sheets will be available in April
at the desk outside the Nave and at the West Door
Proceeds support Refugee Resettlement through the
International Institute of Southwest MO
Prayer Chain
There are currently 11 people on Trinity’s Prayer Chain. Pray-ers receive text messages whenever someone requests prayer. Prayer requests can be as specific or general as the requester wants. Two people were added to the Prayer Chain after filling out Helping Hands at Trinity Connects on January 26. If you would like to be added to the Prayer Chain, please text Pastor Tom at 920-237-9840. If you would like to request prayer, please text Pastor Tom at 920-237-9840.
Screen Time?
Our wonderful AV team would like to request that if you ever need anything put on the screens for any service that is held at Trinity, please let us know in advance so we can load things into the program properly. Sometimes it is very hard to load things moments before an event. Thank you for this consideration.
Lost and Found
Wondering where your pen, mug, charger, book, hat, sunglasses, or other elusive item is? Items turned into the church office will be placed in our new Lost & Found tubs, located on the shelf above the accessibility devices near the West entrance.
Wiggle Room
Everyone is welcome in the sanctuary. If you have a fussy child and would like to step out while continuing to participate in worship, please feel free to make use of our new Wiggle Room in Room 14. The room is outfitted with comfortable chairs, a changing table, a small bathroom, and a new (to us) television mounted on the wall, showing the livestream. Please note that children in the Wiggle Room must be accompanied by a grownup who brought them. Children three-and-under can be dropped off in the Nursery in Room 12.
Get More Each Week
Our weekly email newsletter contains more updates than we include on the website. Get our monthly birthday updates, prayer requests, and more by signing up to get the newsletter delivered to your inbox each Thursday morning. Tap the button below to sign up now.
Slides Before Worship Service
If your group would like to get slides in the pre-service announcement time, they need to email them to Robert Reed.
Helping Local Refugees
Trinity, you are helping local refugees through your Mission Committee and Community Support Group. Part of the Mission Committee budget ($15,000) has gone directly to the International Institute of Southwest Missouri through their fund at the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. This fund is used to provide funds for housing and emergency assistance to refugee families who are struggling to learn English and secure employment during their first months in Springfield. Individual donations to the International Institute of Southwest Missouri are always welcome. Here’s how:
Mail a check to:
International Institute of Southwest Missouri Fund
Community Foundation of the Ozarks
c/o Millie Schuchmann
P.O. Box 8960
Springfield, MO 65801
Drop a check off during business hours:
Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Memo line: International Institute of Southwest Missouri Fund
Donate online:
Silent Welcome Walk
What: Silent Welcome Walk from South Street Christian Church to Park Central Square
When: 10:30 a.m. followed by speakers & international choirs on the square @ 11:30 a.m.
Why: Stand with our Neighbors: Welcoming Refugees
Sponsored by: Missouri Faith Voices, International Institute of Southwest Missouri, NAACP
Trinity/ Westminster Kids Night In
Save the Date for the
Trinity/ Westminster Kids Night In
Friday April 11, 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Trinity Fellowship Hall
Invite a friend
Dinner, crafts and games.
Contacting the Church Office
To reach Alyssa Spradlin, Director of Communication & Administrative Ministries, to communicate with the church office use this and only this email address:
Trinity Sunday School Classes
Sunday School opportunities for all ages. Please consider joining us in exploring our faith and learning from one another in spaces of grace and love. All classes begin at 10:15 a.m.
Children's Sunday School: We meet from 10:15-11:15 in room 10. This semester the Children's Sunday School will be studying the ministry of Jesus and stories of people he interacted with. We will have special lessons related to One Great Hour or Sharing and Easter too. The semester will conclude by learning stories about Paul and his travels.
Youth-Opportunities to Connect: In the planning stages for this year! Friends are welcome to join in activities and events as we connect with each other in and outside of Trinity.
Adult Class Offerings
Please join us in Topical Discussions Fellowship for Sunday school.
We meet 10:15-11:15 in Fellowship Hall, with good fellowship, coffee, and treats.
If you would like to join the class by Zoom, please contact the church office.
Our topics in the remainder of March are:
The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World text and video by Pastor Adam Hamilton
March 30 Seder Meal participation and presentation Sophia Platz, facilitator
This Lenten Season, the Room 17 Adult class will be using the Devotional Everything [in] Between created by A Santified Art, a group of artists and clergy who can help us experience scripture through their creativity.
The Gospel of Luke is the focus of this devotional series which we will begin on Sunday, March 9 at 10:15. Devotional Books are available at the west entrance.
We hope you will join us on this journey through Lent.
Questions to the church office or Amy Price.
Four and More: This Bible study derives its name from meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays (presently meeting in person in room 17 at Trinity, and by Zoom). Anyone wanting to join can send their email address to the study leader Jane Huffstetler, and she will provide the Zoom.