Front Lawn Festival & More!

Front Lawn Festival Event.png

It's almost time for our first congregation-wide, in-person event! On Sunday, May 16 at 4:00pm we are holding our Front Lawn Festival. This will be a chance to gather with your Trinity family for fellowship, music, and worship. Here are some key details:

  • WHERE: Trinity Front Lawn.

  • WHEN: Fellowship starts at 4:00pm with an abbreviated worship service beginning at 4:30. There will be activities after worship running until about 5:30pm.

  • WHAT: Our time together will feature a lot of time for fellowship with your Trinity family including:

    • Games, activities, and crafts for our kids (and kids at heart)

    • Pre-packaged snacks (please bring your own beverages)

    • Music and worship

    • Introduction of the Trinity Gratitude Tree - a summer-long project of gratitude

  • WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING: Please bring a lawn chair and/or picnic blanket. While we will have a few bottles of water, we ask that you bring your own beverages. If you want to bring a picnic meal (or snacks) you are welcome, although we aren't having a dedicated meal time.

  • PARKING & ACCESSIBILITY: We want this event to be accessible to the whole Trinity family, so please park in the back lot and walk up if you are comfortable doing so - this will allow us to keep the closer parking spots in the side lots available for those who need a shorter walk. We do have several wheelchairs available at Trinity for any who might need that resource to attend the event. If there are specific accommodations that would help you attend, please let me know and we will do our best to assist.

  • PANDEMIC PRECAUTIONS: While current evidence and guidance suggests that outdoor events are quite safe, please be mindful of the following safety precautions for this event:

    • Masking: Per Springfield City ordinance, masking will be required at this event except when eating or drinking.

    • Distancing: Please be mindful to keep at least 3 feet of physical distance between you and those not in your household.

    • No-Contact Greetings: While I am keenly aware that it has been a long time since we've been together, please use no-contact greetings.

We are also looking for several pop-up shelter / canopies to use during the event. If you have one we may use, please reach out to me in the next week or so. If you have any questions about this event please let me know!

I can't wait to see you on May 16 at 4:00pm on the front lawn!

Pentecost Special Offering


This past Sunday we officially launched our Pentecost Special Offering, which supports ministries with children, youth, and young adults both here in Springfield and around the world. In the weeks leading up to Pentecost (May 23) we will be sharing stories of how your generosity makes an impact in the lives of young people. Tap here to watch a 3-minute video about how the programs of the PC(USA) are helping build a strong foundation of faith in youth and young adults.

You can support the Pentecost Special Offering through our online giving page (tap here to give) or by sending a check to the church office with "Pentecost Offering" in the memo line. Thank you for your generosity!

Here are some other ways you can connect with your Trinity family this week:

Four and More Bible Study - Wednesdays at 4:00pm
Join Rev. Jane Huffstetler for this weekly journey through scripture.

Sunday School - Sundays 9:30am - 11:15am

We have three Sunday morning groups for adults plus a class for our youth. Here's the schedule:
9:30am - Lectionary Class (1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays)
10:00am - All Class Check-In w/ Pastor Chris
10:15am - Topical Discussions, SALT, and Youth Classes (Click Here for Study Materials)

Check out our Zoom help guide here:

Thanks for being part of the Trinity family. If there are ways the church and I can be a good support to you and your family in these days, please let me know.

Pastor Chris


Trinity Worship - May 9, 2021 - Love That Crosses Boundaries


Trinity Worship - May 2, 2021 - To Love and Be Loved