Remaining Connected - Holy Week Edition - April 6, 2020
On this Holy Week Monday I am thankful for our Trinity family! I am thankful for the dozens of you who decorated your doors to celebrate Palm Sunday and be a visible witness to Christ. I am thankful for each of you who has made a call, written a note, or sent a text to someone this week just to check in. I am thankful for our community as we hold each other, and our world, up in prayer.
I want to share a few things with you today about how you can connect with your Trinity family this Holy Week. This will be an information dense email, so here are the highlights:
We will be sending out extended worship information later this week for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
Later this year, once we are able to meet in person again, we will be holding an in-person Easter Celebration.
We will continue to have several opportunities to connect with your Trinity family online this week. You may notice a slight change in how you connect to make sure our gatherings are as secure as possible.
Holy Week Worship
We have three worship opportunities for you this Holy Week. You will get specific information for these opportunities later this week, but here is a highlight:
Maundy Thursday: Jesus gathered around table with his disciples and served them; this is the story we read on Maundy Thursday. For our Extended Maundy Thursday service I will be sharing a "table liturgy" for you to use in your home. There will be options for folks who are eating alone or with family. There will not be a worship video for Maundy Thursday.
Good Friday: On Good Friday we remember Christ's death on the cross. Our extended service will include scripture, prayer, and music. It will be a time of reflection and devotion.
Easter Sunday: Our Easter Sunday Extended Worship will include music, communion, and the telling once again of the resurrection story.
Easter in...
I wish I could put a month here, but know that whenever we are able to come back together again for in-person worship we will several weeks later celebrate Easter together. If the Federal Government can move tax day, we can certainly celebrate the resurrection of Christ once we are back together! While I don't know exactly how this will look or work, I know it will be a joy filled celebration!
Trinity Gatherings This Week
Starting tomorrow with Coffee & Conversation you will notice two small changes to our Zoom gatherings.
First, you will be specifically asked to put in a password. This can be found in this email below the link. Please do not share the password publicly on social media. This is to help prevent a new form of prank -- "Zoom-bombing" -- where pranksters get the login information for a Zoom meeting and then come in and make inappropriate comments.
Second, when you join a meeting you will also notice you will join a "waiting room" -- this is a new security measure put in place by Zoom to secure meetings against the aforementioned pranksters.
Here are the ways you can connect with your Trinity family this week on Zoom:
Coffee & Conversation - Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm
Join me for a time of conversation and checking in at our virtual coffee shop. We will gather via Zoom (from the comfort of our own home) to chat and check in with one another. Bring your questions, prayer concerns, and more!
Join by computer/smartphone/tablet at this link:
Join by phone by calling +1 312 626 6799 and entering, when prompted:
Meeting ID: 609 200 160
Password: [Check Email for Password OR Contact the Office]
Lent Book Study - Thursday from 4pm to 5pm
Join me for our Lent Book Study on Walter Brueggemann's book Sabbath as Resistance. We will be discussing Chapter 6. NOTE: If you haven't attended the study in the past, don't worry! We would love for you to join us for the conversation.
Join by computer/smartphone/tablet at this link:
Join by phone by calling +1 312 626 6799 and entering, when prompted:
Meeting ID: 265 834 033
Password: [Check Email for Password OR Contact the Office]
Sunday Morning Social Hour & Sunday School - Sunday from 10:00am to 11:30am
Join your Trinity family for a time of conversation this Sunday. We will gather as a large group briefly at 10:00 and then into smaller groups for our Sunday School classes, plus a general space for those who just want to chat (or check out this whole Zoom thing).
Join by computer/smartphone/tablet at this link:
Join by phone by calling +1 312 626 6799 and entering, when prompted:
Meeting ID: 928 867 456
Password: [Check Email for Password OR Contact the Office]
Check out our Zoom help guide here: