Remaining Connected - March 31, 2020

It was really good to see so many Trinity folks this past week via our Zoom gatherings!  During these days when showing love for one another means maintaining physical distance, we can use lots of resources to keep our relational strength.  Each week I will be highlighting options for you to remain connected with your Trinity family - if you have questions on how to participate in any of these please don't hesitate to reach out by email or phone; I'd love to help get you connected.

In addition to the specific gatherings mentioned below, our Deacons, Elders, and Staff continue to make regular phone calls to our community.  If you have a specific need (or know of someone who does) please reach out to me personally or any member of our leadership team.  We have resources to help. Of course, I would encourage you to take a moment each day to call someone from Trinity and just check in for a bit.

Here are specific ways you can connect with Trinity this week:

Coffee & Conversation - Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm
Join me for a time of conversation and checking in at our virtual coffee shop. We will gather via Zoom (from the comfort of our own home) to chat and check in with one another.  Bring your questions, prayer concerns, and more!

Lent Book Study - Thursday from 4pm to 5pm
Join me for our Lent Book Study on Walter Brueggemann's book Sabbath as Resistance.  Quite appropriate in a time of enforced sabbath for many of us.  We will be discussing Chapter 5: Resistance to Multitasking.  NOTE: If you haven't attended the study in the past, don't worry!  We would love for you to join us for the conversation.

Sunday Morning Social Hour & Sunday School - Sunday from 10:00am to 11:30am
Join your Trinity family for a time of conversation this Sunday.  We will gather as a large group from 10:00 until about 10:15 for a time of checking in and prayer. Then we will move into smaller groups for our Sunday School classes, plus a general space for those who just want to chat (or check out this whole Zoom thing).

I hope you'll be able to take part in one or more of our Zoom calls this week; instructions are below.  I hope you and yours are staying well in these strange days - if I can help please let me know (you can just reply to this email).  Until next time,

Pastor Chris
Trinity Presbyterian

Joining a Trinity Gathering on Zoom

To join a Trinity Gathering on Zoom you need access to one of the following:

  • An internet connected computer

  • An iPhone, iPad, or Android Device

  • A standard phone with long-distance calling included

There is no cost for you to join a Zoom gathering.  You do not need to sign up for an account or provide any personal information to use Zoom, although you can create a free profile to make future calls easier.  Here are the steps to connect to Zoom from different devices - I have tried to be exhaustive in my instructions to help all of us, regardless of our tech knowledge, be able to participate.  I will be available for at least 15 minutes prior to the gathering to help you connect; call me on my cellphone (816.805.2742) if you are having issues connecting.

From an Internet Connected Computer

  • Click on the "Join Zoom" link.  This will be unique to the gathering.

  • This will open a website in your internet browser which will either:

    • Prompt you to download and run the Zoom installer.

    • Launch the Zoom app (if you have previously downloaded Zoom).

  • Click "yes" on any permission dialogue boxes that come up and wait for the Zoom app to launch.

  • Once the Zoom app launches it will take you to a dialogue which will ask what "audio conference option" you want, choose one of the options:

    • (Easiest Option) - If your computer has speakers & a microphone, select "Computer Audio" > "Join With Computer Audio"

    • If your computer doesn't have speakers & a microphone (or you have a slow internet connection), select "Phone Call" and from your phone dial one of the listed numbers and when prompted key in the Meeting ID (it will be listed on your screen).  You may also be prompted to enter a Participant ID; this will be listed below the Meeting ID on the screen and is unique to you.  This will allow you to see other's video on your screen but talk and listen through your phone.

  • Once you join your audio you are in the meeting.  Move your mouse cursor over the screen to see additional options, like starting/stopping your video (if you computer has a camera), mute or unmute your audio, and open the chat window to sent typed messages to others in the gathering.

  • When you are ready to leave the meeting, move your mouse over the screen and select the "Leave Meeting" option in the lower right corner of the window.

From an iPhone, iPad, or Android Device

  • For the smoothest experience, download the Zoom app prior to the gathering.  Follow this link and scroll down to "Zoom Mobile Apps" and select the appropriate App Store for your device:

  • To join the gathering, tap on the "Join Zoom" link.  This will be unique to the gathering.

  • If you have previously installed the Zoom app this link will prompt you to open that app and then launch the meeting.

  • You will see a dialogue box that asks you how you want to hear others, select one of the options:

    • (Easiest Option) - Tap "Call using Internet Audio" to use your internet connection to hear others (and be heard).  

    • If you are on a very slow internet connection you may select "Dial In" to use your phone connection for audio; follow the prompts on your screen - they will tell you based on your device if you need to enter the meeting ID or password as you dial in.

  • Once you join your audio you are in the meeting.  Tap the screen to see additional options, like starting/stopping your video, mute or unmute your audio.  Note - on some devices if you swipe right it takes you to "Safe Driving Mode" which limits some of your interactions - if you are in this mode swipe left to be taken back to the main screen.

  • When you are ready to leave the meeting, tap the screen and select the "Leave" option in the upper right corner of the screen.

From a Standard Phone

NOTE: Dialing in from a standard phone will only include audio.  The call is not to a local number, so make sure you are calling from a line that includes long-distance (almost all cellphone plans and many home phone carriers no longer limit long-distance, but be sure to check if you aren't sure).

  • Dial This Number: +1 312 626 6799

  • Enter when prompted the Meeting ID.  You may or may not be asked for a Participant ID or Password.  

  • When you are ready to leave the meeting simply hangup.

If you have questions in advance of our gathering reply to this email and I will do my best to assist!

Pastor Chris


Weekly Newsletter - April 2, 2020


Extended Worship - March 29, 2020