Return to In-Person Worship

It is with great joy I am writing today to share that Trinity will be resuming in-person worship services starting this Sunday, February 27, 2022.

When Session voted on January 5 to put in place enhanced safety precautions due to the Omicron surge in Greene County it was always envisioned as a short-term measure. It is with gratitude we can report that the pandemic situation in our community is such that we are now in a position to return to in-person worship and events.

While Session has voted to remove our enhanced precautions limiting in-person worship and gatherings, the following pandemic precautions remain in effect:

  • Masking will remain required during worship services, with a continued exception for worship leaders.

  • Masking will remain required for all indoor gatherings.

  • Individuals who have a fever or other symptoms of possible infection, or who are currently positive for COVID-19, should participate with us online until their symptoms are resolved.

We will continue to make worship available via livestream broadcast for those who are not ready or able to join us for in-person services.

We will be sharing more information about Sunday School and Worship in this week's newsletter and weekly worship email. Here are some key reminders:

  • In-person worship will be taking place in Fellowship Hall for the duration of renovations in the sanctuary. Please use the South / Basement entrance for worship.

  • Access between floors is currently limited to the elevator only.

  • For your safety, please do not enter any constructions areas. This includes the East entryway, Foyer, and Sanctuary, along with any other areas marked with signage.

  • We will be marking additional parking near the South / Basement entrance as Accessible Parking - please reserve these spots for individuals with mobility and access needs.

Thank you for your grace and flexibility as we have continued to respond to the challenges of the pandemic. I look forward to seeing you for worship this Sunday!

In Anticipation and Hope,

Rev. Chris Miller


Trinity Worship and Sunday School for February 27, 2022


Trinity Worship and Sunday School for February 20, 2022