Returning to In-Person Worship

Dear Trinity Family,

For well over a year now the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the life, mission, and ministry of our church family. While the pandemic is far from over, I am pleased to share that starting this Sunday, July 18, at 11:30 a.m., all those who wish to worship in-person in the sanctuary are most welcome to do so. We will continue to broadcast our worship services via livestream as a permanent part of our worship ministry.

As you are no doubt aware, the state of the pandemic in Springfield / Greene County is quite serious. Due to the very low vaccination rates in our region and the rapid spread of the “Delta” variant, our current community case-rate is at near-record highs. While our survey of the Trinity community shows our congregation has a high vaccination rate, we cannot guarantee the vaccination status of all individuals who attend worship. In addition, our children are not yet eligible for the vaccine. Given this reality, the Session of Trinity has reaffirmed the following safety measures:

  • Masking is required at all worship services. Those speaking or leading in worship may remove their masks when actively presenting.

  • Physical distancing is requested between family groups.

  • Only music leaders will sing during worship. All other individuals in the sanctuary are asked to hum or silently reflect on the music.

  • Common items, such as hymnals, Bibles, and Psalters have been removed from the sanctuary. Bulletins will be available, and all responsive readings and song lyrics will be projected on the sanctuary screens.

  • Offering will be collected using a drop-box in the foyer before and after service. Additionally, online, text, and mail-in options for giving remain in place.

  • Please do not arrive at Trinity before 11:15 a.m. This will allow Brentwood members to exit the building. Please use the West / Trinity doors as you enter and exit the building; this will help minimize congestion around the sanctuary. You are welcome to use the East / Sanctuary entrance if mobility issues make that entrance preferable.

I am keenly aware that we each face unique circumstances and decisions about how and when to best engage with others as the pandemic continues. Please use your own discernment about when is the right time for you to return to in-person worship. Whether it is this Sunday, or a bit further down the road, know that I remain honored to walk by your side in these days.

In Anticipation and Hope,

Pastor Chris

P.S. - Our nursery space will be available during worship, however it is not currently staffed. We are working with Brentwood to bring more nursery staff on board and will update you as that changes. As a reminder, children are always welcome in worship.


Trinity Worship - July 18, 2021


Trinity Worship - July 11, 2021