Singing in Worship

Dear Trinity Family,

I am delighted to share that starting this Sunday, September 5, 2021, we will return to welcoming congregational singing during in-person worship at Trinity.

Over the past few months as we have returned to worship in the Sanctuary we have frequently reviewed the available guidance on best practices for safety as well as considered the current pandemic situation in our local area. Based on best practices developed by other PC(USA) congregations, and the significant decline in case rates in our area over the past month, the Trinity Session has voted to amend our safety protocols to allow for congregational singing with the following safety precautions in place:

  • Masking continues to be required at all worship services. Those leading in worship may removed their masks while actively speaking or singing from the chancel area.

  • Those in the congregation who choose to sing are asked to sing at no louder than normal conversation volume.

  • Please maintain physical distance between family groups.

Like many of you, I have deeply missed the joy of singing our hymns together during worship. I am grateful for your patience and understanding as we have worked to balance the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our community. I can't wait to sing with you this Sunday!

In Anticipation and Hope,

Rev. Chris Miller


Trinity Worship - September 5, 2021


Trinity Worship - August 29, 2021