Trinity Newsletter for December 10, 2023
From Pastor Chris
This is the time of year when my calendar feels just as stuffed as I am at the end of another Christmas party. If you feel the same way it can be overwhelming to look at all the things we have going at Trinity and just skip past it all. So today I want to help narrow your focus to three ways you can connect this month: by Serving, Reflecting, and Celebrating!
Serve: Bring Donations to our Curbside Food Drive on Monday, December 11 from 10:00 - 11:30 AM.
As the weather gets colder the need for supplies at our local food pantries goes up. You can help by donating non-perishable food, personal hygiene, and household items (like toilet paper) to support our mission partners at Crosslines. One item they have specifically asked for is birthday cake mix and frosting. Crosslines provides birthday kits for families with kids so no child goes without a cake (and present) on their birthday -- but they rely on donated boxed mixes and tubs of frosting. Thank you for helping families celebrate all year round!
Reflect: Pause for a time of Reflection at our Worship for the Weary on Tuesday, December 12 at 5:30 PM.
The Christmas season can so often be frantic with a push to always be happy. Yet, for many of us the holiday season carries with it a sense of melancholy or even sadness. Memories of those no longer with us, thoughts of opportunities missed or squandered, or any of a dozen other experiences can make it a hard season. Our Worship for the Weary service is a time to pause, reflect, and name the ways we experience weariness in this season, while also making space for God's grace.
Celebrate: Sing and Feast at our Christmas Carol Sing and S'More Roast on Wednesday, December 20 at 5:30 PM.
What better way to celebrate? We will gather on the front lawn at Trinity for hot chocolate, fire pits, s'mores to roast, and lots of Christmas carols. This all-ages event is open to the community, so bring friends, grandkids, and neighbors! If the weather is frightful we will move inside.
These are just three ways to connect this month; see more on our Event Calendar below. If you have questions about anything going on in our life together please reach out!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Chris
Christmas Eve Cookies
Look for Cookie Sign-Up sheets
On December 10 and 17
Topical Fellowship Class Supports Delaware Elementary
Delaware Elementary School was thrilled with the generous gifts donated by the Topical Fellowship Class. The Sunday School class provided every classroom and playground item requested.
Office Volunteering Opportunities
Every month there are opportunities to volunteer in the church office, answering phones for both congregations and responding to the west side door. These times allow Alyssa, who serves both congregations, opportunities to participate in ministry functions outside the walls of the building. In January she will be out-of-state for two weeks to attend in-person classes for her Doctor of Ministry program. Those days have been broken up into three-hour blocks, but can be reconfigured to accommodate a potential volunteer. Shifts and the opportunity to sign-up to cover them can be found on Sign-Up Genius here. For more information, contact the church office.
Opportunities for Small Acts of Service
There are a few items that our wonderful former custodian, Vickie, did for us when she was working here that now provide opportunities to help in small but meaningful ways.
Water the plants that are both inside the church (all in the Fellowship Hall) and in the planters by the east and basement entrances.
Wash the mugs from the coffee time on Sunday mornings.
Make the ice (we have a countertop ice maker in the kitchen).
Whether it's one person who takes one task or a team who takes on them all, we would so appreciate any volunteers who would like to take on these tasks! Please contact the church office.
Do You Worship with Trinity Online?
Each week in the Sanctuary we pass our Fellowship Pads and Visitor Cards. We now have a digital Connection Card for all our friends who worship with us online! If you are a regular (or semi-regular) online worshiper, please consider using our mobile-friendly Connection Card the next time you join us for worship.
Simply follow this link to note your participation in worship, share a prayer request, and more:
Thanks for helping us better connect with our Trinity family!
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