Update on Strategic Visioning at Trinity

I am excited to share an update on the work your leadership is doing as we together discern the vision God has for our congregation. As part of our commitment to be an active and vibrant community of faith, your Trinity leadership will be working over the coming months with an experienced leadership consultant, the Rev. David Smazik, a Presbyterian pastor who will be helping us develop a forward-looking, post-COVID vision for Trinity. While most of this work will be happening with our staff and Session through interviews, focus groups, and leadership retreats, I feel it is vital you know this work is underway.

Additionally, this discernment is not taking place in isolation. Since my arrival in 2017 we have engaged in a number of strategic visioning exercises, and the results from each has been shared with and reviewed by Rev. Smazik. I have compiled a summary of where we have been, and where we are heading, on our website so you can have access to the same information our leadership is using during these important discussions. I hope you will take some time in the weeks to come to look over the resources found here:


On this page you can find information about our 2018 visioning process and goals, our work over the past 18 months with the Vital Congregations Initiative, and results from the United States Congregational Vitality Survey we took at the end of last summer.

This is an exciting time in the life and ministry of Trinity, and I am honored to be on this journey with you. If you have questions about our visioning work, or anything in the life and ministry of Trinity, I hope you will reach out. I always have time for a chat or a cup of coffee.

Pastor Chris


Worship for January 29, 2023 - Finding Ourselves Blessed


Trinity Newsletter for January 26, 2023