Weekly Newsletter - April 16, 2020
From Pastor Chris
While I've mentioned it a few times in my emails over the past weeks, today I specifically want to share with you about our redesign of the Trinity website. This is a project that has been going in the background for a while, but it was pushed very quickly onto the front burner as we made the rapid transition to online operations as a congregation. There is a lot to explore, and I would encourage you to take a look yourself: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org
Here are a few highlights:
You can quickly find the latest updates from Trinity right on the homepage, and read stories and special highlights of our life together. The homepage also makes it easy to find out things like when and where we worship, how to reach our staff, and more.
We have a dedicated COVID-19 information page where you can find up-to-date information on how Trinity is responding to the pandemic.
You can make a financial gift to Trinity right from our website on our giving page (we also have information about mailing your donation).
You can connect with our various social media channels from the bottom of every page, and our Contact page makes it easy to reach out to our staff.
We are continuing to update information to make sure it is accurate and up to date and once we are back together in person we want to take some updated photos of our life together. I am really pleased with the public face this redesign presents of the Trinity family. I encourage you to give it a look in the next few days. Special thanks to our Communications Task Force for their support as we've done this work.
The one other thought I'd like to share is that I've heard from a couple of folks that some of my update emails over the past couple weeks have been going into their Junk/Spam folders. When I send out updates, they will come from my Trinity account, so please make sure to add that email to the contact list in your email system or to the "approved senders" list. Additionally, if you want to opt out of our update emails please let me know, and I'll be happy to help update your email preferences; please do not mark church emails as "Junk/Spam" as this gets reported and can prevent others from receiving important updates. I also try to update our website within an hour or two after sending an email (often sooner), and then share that link to our social media channels, so if you use Facebook or Twitter, they can also be a good way to keep in touch.
In these days of a "new normal" where we cannot be physically present together, I am reminded of the power and importance of communication. My hope is that our communication is helpful, hope-filled, and reassuring to you in this time of uncertainty. If there are ways we as a church can best support you, please let me know. We are in this together!
Pastor Chris
P.S. - Please make sure to take a look at the item below about the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. This offering provides vital support to the relief and recovery agencies of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and is traditionally very strongly supported by Trinity. Even though we aren't meeting in person, you can still help make sure our church agencies have the resources they need to help our world recover from COVID-19 and other disasters. Thank you for your support!
Presbytery Volunteer Opportunity
Are you a people person? Do you like helping connect others with opportunity? Then you might be a perfect fit for an opportunity to serve with John Calvin Presbytery! We are currently looking for a volunteer from the Springfield area to serve on the JCP Committee on Representation. This is the group that makes sure all voices are heard at the Presbytery level. To learn more about how you can get involved in the work of the broader church, talk with Pastor Chris OR Beth Kick (JCP Stated Clerk).
In-Person Activity Suspension
All in-person activities of Trinity have been suspended through and including Sunday, May 10, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes all gatherings such as worship, social events, studies, and meetings. Under our current suspension the first possible date for in-person church activities is Monday, May 11, 2020. We will review the public health situation and current guidance as the end of April approaches and communicate any updates.
We strongly encourage all members and friends of Trinity to follow the COVID-19 mitigation measures being recommended by our public health officials. These steps are essential to slowing the spread and will save lives.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Each year at Easter we collect the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. This offering is the single biggest way Presbyterians around the nation gather together to fund three critical denominational programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. These three programs are on the front lines of providing relief and recovery, and our support is needed now more than ever in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. If you are in a position to do so, please consider supporting this special offering today.
Instructions on how to give via check or online are available here:https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/give
Carla's Corner
Easter Sunday was one of the most unique and happy Easters I've had. I didn't get dressed up in a pretty dress with any type of Easter bonnet, but I woke up at 5:45 a.m., threw on some comfy clothes and, alongside my husband Tim, delivered 23+ Easter baskets to our Trinity children & youth plus some older college siblings. It was the best time! Tim told me that we should do more stuff like this! I agreed. I felt like Santa and the Easter Bunny all rolled into one and Tim was my Rudolph (as he figured out the most efficient path to all of the homes.)
Wanna Help?
I would like to challenge any of our youth/children who like to bake to maybe make some cookies that can be taken to Eden Village or Rare Breed. If you're bored and would like to help, let me know!
Wednesday Night Zoom Chat for our Youth
At 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday night, any of our youth who can are invited to Zoom with me. It's for 30 minutes, but this Wednesday night we are going to attempt to play "Blank Slate" while zooming! It's a fun game. I will text/email all youth the zoom ID and Password on Wednesday.
Sunday Night Youth Group
From 5:30-7:00 p.m. our youth meet on Discord and they play games. This week we will try to add some more games to our current favorite, "Drawful". In order to do this, kids need a computer on which to watch the game and then a phone to actually participate and add their drawings. It's fun but does take more than just a phone.
Children's Songs
Easter Sunday I had Pastor Chris share the children's song "1,2,3." This is an upbeat kids song about Easter. It's fun to watch and to sing along with.
Above: Annie and Jack Johnson opening their Trinity Easter Basket.
Left: Emmet and Grace Douglas with their Easter Baskets.
April Birthdays at Trinity
Take a moment to say a prayer of thanks for these members of our Trinity family this month!
Pat Lange April 4
Charlotte Dugan April 5
David Bohnenkamper April 6
Phyllis Holmes April 6
Laura Fleetwood April 9
Katie Groves April 10
Jeannie Reed April 17
Cindy Rodgers April 20
James Wills April 25
Jan Dunn April 27
Bea Duddridge April 30
If you would like to be included in our birthday list, please be sure to update your records with the church office before your birthday occurs. You may call or email your information.
Remaining Connected During Social Distancing
For the latest update on staying connected, check out this post by Pastor Chris.
Prayer Concerns
If you or someone you love want to be included on the prayer list, please let the office know. (Always get permission before submitting information.) Also, when you want your name removed from the prayer list (or an update added), please let the office know at 417-450-2544 or office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org.
Chris Plate and his family as he continues medical treatment.
Charlotte Dugan, as she receives medical care.
Michael Howell as he recovers from an auto accident.
Tom Cavicchia and family, for strength and comfort.