A Prayer for Memorial Day 2020
Lord, we did not anticipate remembering those killed in war while grieving so many lost to a pandemic. We did not imagine we would visit the graves of our veterans even when we cannot hold funerals for loved ones who died while we practice social distancing. We did not think we would still be wearing masks, limiting our gatherings and foregoing in-person worship for the sake of everyone’s safety and health.
This last Monday of May, as we give thanks for those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country, we do so soberly and with a deep appreciation for all who choose to limit their personal freedom in order to further the common good. We give thanks for those who exercised duty and courage despite the great cost to themselves and their loved ones. We pray that we who enjoy the benefits of their sacrifice will honor their memory by doing our part to work for a country where God’s abundant life for all is self-evident and sacrosanct. Amen.
Prayer written by Jill Duffield, Editor of The Presbyterian Outlook.