Trinity Newsletter for March 6, 2025

Annual Congregational Meeting

The annual Congregational Meeting will be held immediately after worship on Sunday, March 16

Musings from John Calvin Presbytery

The 217th Stated Meeting of the JCP was held at First Presbyterian in Aurora, MO, on Saturday, February 22, 2025, with the theme of “How Are We?”. The morning worship sermon was given by The Rev. Dr. Tom Schacher from St. Andrew PC, Kimberling City, MO. Key components were whether we were in our comfort zone, stress zone, or stretch zone as we looked to our current and future within ourselves and our church as we decide our direction in following God’s calling as parts to the whole. The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Drywalt (read delightfully by members of the Mission and Nurture committee) helped to educate us further on this theme.

Committee report highlights:


PW continues their mission to improve the visibility and purpose of PW in John Calvin Presbytery. Watch for a series in the JCP Notices.


Action Item: It was moved and approved that JCP acquire the Public Domain Hymn Project for our churches at a one-time cost of $500 from the Resource Center Equity Fund of JCP.

High School Youth: Presbyterian Church(USA) Youth Triennium –

July 28-31, 2025 in Louisville, KY.

Synod Youth Workshop– July 14-19, 2025 at Tulsa University. 

Living Water for the World: has just finished a repair and refresher training on a treatment system at a grade school, 2025.


Action Item: It was moved and approved to accept the sale of WOODLAND HEIGHTS PRESBYTERIAN, Springfield. Their last service was held on February 23, 2025, with closing scheduled for February 24, 2025.

First Presbyteria,Carthage: received an offer to sell their building.

AMC: accepted the Rev. Becky Schwandt’s resignation letter; interviewed and extended an offer for temporary part-time JCP Stated Clerk to the Rev. Bob Frasier, which he accepted.


Action Items: It was moved and approved for an Administrative Commission (AC) to be assigned to work with First Presbyterian, Carthage, and that Jim Holt, Bill Martin and Jane Huffstetler be appointed to the AC.

It was moved by the sub-committee on Preparation for Ministry and approved that Lori Williamson move from the Inquirer phase to the Candidacy phase in the preparation process.

Celebration: the Rev. Frank LeBlanc’s formal recognition of becoming Honorably Retired.

Proposed Amendments to the Book of Order from 226th General Assembly and an ecumenical Episcopal-Presbyterian Agreement:

The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly was instructed to send these items to the 167 presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (USA) for their affirmative or negative votes.

Motion: Shall John Calvin Presbytery affirm the following Amendments to the Book of Order and the Episcopal-Presbyterian Agreement on Local Sharing of Ministries? All were affirmed, with only two with further discussion (24-A, 24-C).

Susan Uffmann


Trinity Presbyterian Church

Annual Garage Sale

It’s time again for the

Two Congregation Church Garage Sale

May 1-3, 2025

Save your stuff!

Details and volunteer sign-up sheets will be available in April

at the desk outside the Nave and at the West Door

Proceeds support Refugee Resettlement through the

International Institute of Southwest MO 

Trinity/ Westminster Kids Night In

Save the Date for the

Trinity/ Westminster Kids Night In

Friday April 11, 5:30-8:00 p.m.

Trinity Fellowship Hall

Invite a friend

Dinner, crafts and games.

Prayer Chain

There are currently 11 people on Trinity’s Prayer Chain. Pray-ers receive text messages whenever someone requests prayer. Prayer requests can be as specific or general as the requester wants. Two people were added to the Prayer Chain after filling out Helping Hands at Trinity Connects on January 26. If you would like to be added to the Prayer Chain, please text Pastor Tom at 920-237-9840. If you would like to request prayer, please text Pastor Tom at 920-237-9840.

Contacting the Church Office

To reach Alyssa Spradlin, Director of Communication & Administrative Ministries, to communicate with the church office use this and only this email address:

Screen Time?

Our wonderful AV team would like to request that if you ever need anything put on the screens for any service that is held at Trinity, please let us know in advance so we can load things into the program properly. Sometimes it is very hard to load things moments before an event. Thank you for this consideration.

Lost and Found

Wondering where your pen, mug, charger, book, hat, sunglasses, or other elusive item is? Items turned into the church office will be placed in our new Lost & Found tubs, located on the shelf above the accessibility devices near the West entrance. 

Wiggle Room

Everyone is welcome in the sanctuary. If you have a fussy child and would like to step out while continuing to participate in worship, please feel free to make use of our new Wiggle Room in Room 14. The room is outfitted with comfortable chairs, a changing table, a small bathroom, and a new (to us) television mounted on the wall, showing the livestream. Please note that children in the Wiggle Room must be accompanied by a grownup who brought them. Children three-and-under can be dropped off in the Nursery in Room 12.

Get More Each Week

Our weekly email newsletter contains more updates than we include on the website. Get our monthly birthday updates, prayer requests, and more by signing up to get the newsletter delivered to your inbox each Thursday morning. Tap the button below to sign up now.

Care Groups are Coming!

Watch the mail for information about your Care Group. Each member and friend of Trinity is assigned to a Care Group, led by a Deacon and Elder. One of your Care Group leaders should be in touch with you soon, to get acquainted and check to see if the information we have about you and your family in the data base is current.

Monthly Curbside Food Drive

On the second Monday of every month, we host a food (and supply) drive for Crosslines, a ministry of the Council of Churches of the Ozarks that offers assistance to our underserved neighbors. In addition to shelf-stable food items, we also collect paper products (toilet paper, paper towels), 12-count egg cartons, and personal hygiene items including feminine hygiene products and incontinence supplies.

If the office is closed due to weather, the food drive will be rescheduled and a new date announced.

Change Your Clocks

Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday, March 9. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead by 1 hour.

Lenten Bible Exploration

Starting Tuesday, March 11, Lenten Bible Exploration will meet in the Trinity Room, each Tuesday from 12:00 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. Explorers should bring their Bibles, their lunches, and their curiosity. Each session we will read aloud and discuss lessons for future Sunday worship services.

Here’s the schedule for readings:

  • March 11 Isaiah 55:1-9, Psalm 63:1-8, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 and Luke 13:1-9

  • March 18 Joshua 5:9-12, Psalm 32, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Luke 15

  • March 25 Isaiah 43:16-21, Psalm 126, Philippians 3:4-14, John 12:1-8

  • April 1 Luke 19:28-44, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29

  • April 8 Pastor Tom will be away, no meeting

  • April 15 Luke 24:13-49, Isaiah 25:6-9

Aging In Place Informational  Meeting

Interested in learning about a novel healthcare option in Missouri? Plan to attend this informational session about PACE: Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, on Sunday, March 16, at 1:00 p.m. in the church fellowship hall, presented by one of our Brentwood friends, Dr. Elizabeth Lucore. Brentwood will be finishing their fellowship meal so please feel free to bring a sack lunch (something you can easily warm up) or to make a quick run to a nearby restaurant.

Newly available in our region, PACE is a hybrid insurance/healthcare model which seeks to support older adults who wish to age in place. With a combination of home- and clinic-based care, as well as a dedicated day center, this team-based approach aims to address the psychosocial, emotional, and physical well-being of each participant. This is not a sales pitch and nothing will be for sale. All ages are welcome.

Liturgists for March

Thank you to the following people for sharing their talents by serving as liturgist in the month of March.

March 2 - Lois Zerrer

March 9 - Bob Kick

March 16 - Patty Dunn

March 23 - Colene Hank

March 30 - Mary Kay Hoops

If you would like to volunteer for liturgist, please contact Martha Bledsoe 

You've Got Mail . . . Maybe

Mailboxes have been added recently to the Redfern Library room. Items for the Clerk of Session, Treasurer, Choir Director, Music Coordinator, Assistant Youth Educator, Presiding Elder, members of Session, standing committees, and Presbyterian Women may be left in their respective boxes. Items for Pastor Tom and Rev. Alyssa can be left in the boxes outside their respective offices, directly across the hall from the Redfern Library.

Thank you to Bob Kick, for crafting the mailboxes.

Trinity Sunday School Classes

Sunday School opportunities for all ages. Please consider joining us in exploring our faith and learning from one another in spaces of grace and love. All classes begin at 10:15 a.m.

Children's Sunday School: We meet from 10:15-11:15 in room 10. This semester the Children's Sunday School will be studying the ministry of Jesus and stories of people he interacted with. We will have special lessons related to One Great Hour or Sharing and Easter too. The semester will conclude by learning stories about Paul and his travels.

Youth-Opportunities to Connect: In the planning stages for this year! Friends are welcome to join in activities and events as we connect with each other in and outside of Trinity.

Adult Class Offerings

Please join us in the Topical Discussions Fellowship for Sunday school. We meet 10:15-11:15 in Fellowship Hall, with good fellowship, coffee, and treats:.

The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World text and video by Pastor Adam Hamilton

  • March 2            The World’s Most Important Sermon: Pastor Jill Carr, facilitator

  • March 9            He Spoke to Them in Parables: Commissioned Ruling Elder Marsha Landrith, facilitator

  • March 16           Who Do YOU Say that I Am?:     Dave Muegge, facilitator 

  • March 23           Final Words:   Dave Muegge, facilitator

  • March 30          TBA

January 26 through March 9, the adult class in room 17 (formerly SALT and Studying the Word) will be sharing a video and discussion series: Painting the Stars; Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith.

Celebrating the communion of science and faith, Painting the Stars explores the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality. Featuring over a dozen leading theologians and progressive thinkers, the program includes video and guided discussion. 

Video speakers include: Philip Clayton, Michael Dowd, Rachel Held Evans, Matthew Fox, Catherine Keller, Megan McKenna, Michael Morwood, Jan Phillips, Barbara Rossing, Bruce Sanguin, Bernard Brandon Scott, John Shelby Spong, Gretta Vosper.

Join us for any of our sessions. Participant reading guides will be provided. 

Contact Amy Price with questions or to get a copy of the reading guide.


Four and More: This Bible study derives its name from meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays (presently meeting in person in room 17 at Trinity, and by Zoom). Anyone wanting to join can send their email address to the study leader Jane Huffstetler, and she will provide the Zoom 


Worship for March 2, 2025


Worship for February 23, 2025