Worship for February 23, 2025


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Today, February 23, is the seventh Sunday after Epiphany. The Rev. Dr. Tom Willadsen will preach. We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.

You are invited to join us for Sunday school at 10:15 a.m. Children’s Sunday School meets in Room 18. Two adult Sunday School classes are hybrid and can be joined using the Zoom or RingCentral information included with each class description.

1) Topical Discussions Fellowship:   Please join us in the Topical Discussions Fellowship for Sunday school:

  • January 26-Christian Doctrine by Guthrie, re: our Christian hope for the afterlife

  • February 2-Christian Doctrine by Guthrie, re: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

  • February 9-Examples of the Holy Spirit-Part 1

  • February 16-Examples of the Holy Spirit-Part 2

  • February 23-The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World by Hamilton

                          Part 1: The Kingdom of God Has Come Near

We meet 10:15-11:15 in Fellowship Hall, with good fellowship, coffee, and treats.

If you are not able to join our in-person class, then Tap the Link Below to join the class via Zoom:
Meeting ID 872 5897 6689
Passcode     225115     

2) January 26 through March 9, the adult class in room 17 (formerly SALT and Studying the Word) will be sharing a video and discussion series: Painting the Stars; Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith.

Celebrating the communion of science and faith, Painting the Stars explores the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality. Featuring over a dozen leading theologians and progressive thinkers, the program includes video and guided discussion. 

Video speakers include: Philip Clayton, Michael Dowd, Rachel Held Evans, Matthew Fox, Catherine Keller, Megan McKenna, Michael Morwood, Jan Phillips, Barbara Rossing, Bruce Sanguin, Bernard Brandon Scott, John Shelby Spong, Gretta Vosper.

Join us for any of our sessions. Participant reading guides will be provided. 

Contact Amy Price with questions or to get a copy of the reading guide.

To join us remotely via Ring Central, use the link below!


Your Support of Trinity

Trinity Presbyterian Church is committed to being an active, vibrant community of faith. The mission and ministry of our congregation is possible thanks to your support. When you offer your time, your compassion, and your financial resources, we are empowered to expand our work. Thank you! If you would like to support Trinity with a financial gift, visit our giving page.

Thank you for being part of the Trinity family!  If there are ways I can be a support to you, please reach out.

Grace and peace,



Trinity Newsletter for March 6, 2025


Trinity Newsletter for February 20, 2025