Front Lawn Festival Rescheduled Due to Weather

Copy of Front Lawn Festival Event Rescheduled.png

After watching the weather forecast for Sunday all week, we are rescheduling our Front Lawn Festival. Several different forecasts show Sunday afternoon with a reasonable chance of light to moderate rain, plus windy conditions -- not ideal weather for outdoor fellowship and worship.

While I am disappointed to delay this opportunity to spend time in fellowship with you, I do believe it is the best decision given the information we have at the moment. If you are in regular contact with Trinity members who may not frequently check email, please give them a call to make sure they are aware this event has been rescheduled.

Please put the following dates and times on your calendar for our next two planned in-person activities with Trinity:

  • Pentecost Joint Worship With Brentwood - Sunday, May 23 at 11:00am on the Front Lawn - We are delighted to be joining with our Brentwood friends for a joint worship service on Pentecost Sunday. This service will feature a dialogue sermon with the three pastors, joint music with Trinity and Brentwood, and an opportunity to recognize graduates from both congregations. Please plan to bring your lawn / camp chair and join in this fun service.

  • Front Lawn Festival (Rescheduled) - Sunday, June 13 at 4:00pm on the Front Lawn - Everything we had planned to do this Sunday will take place in just a few weeks! Fellowship, music, worship, games and crafts, and even some snacks - it will all be happening on June 13 at 4pm. Make sure to put the new date on your calendar!

Thank you for your grace and understanding (especially if the forecast changes again and it doesn't end up raining!) as we navigate spring in Missouri!

All the best,
Pastor Chris


Trinity Worship - May 16, 2021 - Love in Times of Transition


Trinity Worship - May 9, 2021 - Love That Crosses Boundaries