Trinity Masking Policy Updated As Local COVID Level Increases

SUMMARY: Trinity is matching our masking policy for church activities to the CDC tiered "community level" guidance for Greene County. Our community is currently in the "High / Red" category, which means masking is now required at all indoor events.

At our meeting this past Sunday the Trinity Session approved a modification to our COVID Safety Plan with the goal of simplifying our masking policy moving forward. The reason we have made this adjustment is to remove the need for a formal Session vote to adjust our masking policy as the COVID Community Level changes over time. This will allow Trinity to more quickly adjust our response based on the current guidance. Effective immediately, masking policy at Trinity events will match the CDC tiered "community level" guidance for Greene County. Here is a summary of the CDC guidance / Trinity policy:

  • High / Red: Masking is required at indoor events.

  • Medium / Yellow: Masking is recommended for those at higher risk and welcomed for all.

  • Low / Green: Masking is optional and welcomed for all.

In addition to guidance on masking, we are also following additional CDC guidance, including reminding those who have symptoms, a positive test, or a recent exposure to remain home and utilize our online resources to participate until they have met the CDC recommendations for quarantine.There are limited exceptions to required masking for those in leadership roles during an event, provided they are able to maintain physical distance. Additionally, we are actively reviewing best practices for our musicians with the goal of maintaining an active music program while protecting the safety of all involved.

We will update the congregation when the CDC changes our community level. These updates will be available on our website, in the Trinity smartphone app, and posted on signage at each entrance to our facility. You can also find the current CDC level on the front page of the Trinity website by scrolling down to "Pandemic Updates" and using the CDC County Search tool.

Thank you for being part of the Trinity family and helping us keep Trinity a safe place for everyone. If you have any questions about this update to our response, or anything else in our common life together, please give me a call or reply to this email.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Chris


Trinity Newsletter for July 21, 2022


Worship for July 17, 2022 - Empowering Servant Leadership