Trinity Newsletter for July 21, 2022

From Pastor Chris

I have two key items for your attention this week. First, I will be out of the office next week (Monday, July 25 to Friday, July 29) as I do some work around the house to prepare for Elizabeth's upcoming heart surgery. While we don't know the exact date yet, it will likely happen in the next 3-6 weeks. If you have an urgent issue, please contact the church office (417-450-2544) and June will connect you with someone to assist.

Second, please read on for updates to our COVID response.

SUMMARY: Trinity is matching our masking policy for church activities to the CDC tiered "community level" guidance for Greene County. Our community is currently in the "High / Red" category, which means masking is now required at all indoor events.

At our meeting this past Sunday the Trinity Session approved a modification to our COVID Safety Plan with the goal of simplifying our masking policy moving forward. The reason we have made this adjustment is to remove the need for a formal Session vote to adjust our masking policy as the COVID Community Level changes over time. This will allow Trinity to more quickly adjust our response based on the current guidance. Effective immediately, masking policy at Trinity events will match the CDC tiered "community level" guidance for Greene County. Here is a summary of the CDC guidance / Trinity policy:

High / Red: Masking is required at indoor events.

Medium / Yellow: Masking is recommended for those at higher risk and welcomed for all.

Low / Green: Masking is optional and welcomed for all.

In addition to guidance on masking we are also following additional CDC guidance, including reminding those who have symptoms, a positive test, or a recent exposure to remain home and utilize our online resources to participate until they have met the CDC recommendations for quarantine. There are limited exceptions to required masking for those in leadership roles during an event, provided they are able to maintain physical distance. Additionally, we are actively reviewing best practices for our musicians with the goal of maintaining an active music program while protecting the safety of all involved.

We will update the congregation when the CDC changes our community level. These updates will be available on our website, in the Trinity smartphone app, and posted on signage at each entrance to our facility. You can also find the current CDC level on the front page of the Trinity website by scrolling down to "Pandemic Updates" and using the CDC County Search tool.

Thank you for being part of the Trinity family and helping us keep Trinity a safe place for everyone. If you have any questions about this update to our response or anything else in our common life together, please give me a call or send me an email.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Chris

VBS 2022: The Power of Water Highlight Video

Trinity hosted a collaborative Vacation Bible School (VBS) the first week of July, 2022, alongside our partners at Brentwood Christian and Westminster Presbyterian Churches. Two dozen kids enjoyed a wonderful week of games, crafts, and stories, all while learning about the amazing power of water. Here are some highlights of the week, enjoy!


Summer Series: Embracing Vitality In Our Common Life

Sunday Morning Study - Sundays at 10:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and on Zoom

Join Pastor Chris as he leads a summer long study series on the Seven Marks of Vitality and how they apply to Trinity.

Sunday Morning Worship - Sundays at 11:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Our worship services over the summer will reflect on our themes of vitality as together we sing, pray, and hear scripture on God's call to our community.

Thursday Afternoon Discussion Group - Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. in Room 17

We will gather each week for a less structured time of discussion around topics of vitality and discernment. This is independent of the Sunday class. You don't need to attend the class to fully participate in the discussion group, but those who attend the class might find this a good chance to go deeper on the topic of the week.

Join Our Choir!

We hear you and we want you to sing with us!! If you’ve ever thought about singing in choir, now is the time!! Come join our amazing family!! All ages are welcome!! Questions? Call Robert Reed at (417)225-2598.

Crosslines Collection for July

Crosslines collection for July: 385 lbs. non-perishables and 103 lbs. toiletries. 488 lbs. total.

General Assembly Summary


The document linked above gives a roundup of some of the biggest issues considered by this year's assembly, from statements on Israel/Palestine and reproductive justice to concrete work we are undertaking to make our denomination more open and equitable. Tap the link to open the file and then use the orange text to link to more information about any of the included topics.

Transportation Volunteers Needed

From time to time we have members of the Trinity family who would like to attend in-person worship or events but don’t have transportation. If you would be willing to help drive someone to church, please contact June in the church office (417-450-2544) so we can connect you with opportunities to help.

CURRENT NEED: Two individuals will need a ride for 2 or 3 weeks in August while their usual ride is out of town. They live near Fremont and Republic and one uses a walker, so the vehicle will need enough space for the walker.

Presbyterian Women Luncheon

Presbyterian Women will be having a luncheon on Friday, July 29, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Ocean Zen The cost is $21 per person, and the meal will be buffet style all you can eat. Please RSVP and pay as soon as possible. Checks should be made payable to Presbyterian Women and be given to our treasurer, Gail Tombleson or me.

Thank you very much,

Brenda Kane

Called To Care

Called to Care is a special program of Trinity Church. It was created to

  • Affirm our members in their individual mission outreach in the community.

  • Support a broad range of helping agencies making a positive difference in the community.

Called to Care is a grant program open to any Trinity member who volunteers through a non-profit agency which may have special projects or unique opportunities arise.

Applications are available on the church’s website or by contacting any member of the leadership team of the Mission and Public Witness Committee: Bob Bell (E) Joan Menchetti (E) David Connaway (D). The Committee receives, screens, and approves grants and welcomes applications from our members at any time.

Trinity Church is represented throughout the community by our members who invest their time, energy, and resources in a diverse range of offerings the community provides. Trinity Church is invested in mission—individually and corporately—serving the needs of all God’s children. How can the church come alongside you to undergird your mission?

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Our weekly email newsletter contains more updates than we include on the website. Get our monthly birthday updates, prayer requests, and more by signing up to get the newsletter delivered to your inbox each Thursday morning. Tap the button below to sign up now.


Worship for July 24, 2022 - Spirit-Inspired Worship


Trinity Masking Policy Updated As Local COVID Level Increases