Weekly Newsletter - April 9, 2020
From Pastor Chris
Today I want to highlight our Holy Week activities and share a way you can help Trinity in our response to the COVID-19 crisis. First, Holy Week. Trinity is providing Extended Worship resources for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. You will be receiving an email for each service. A special note on Maundy Thursday: there won't be a worship video to participate in for Maundy Thursday; rather there will be a "table liturgy" for you to engage with over your dinner time. There will be two versions; one for those eating alone and one for those eating with others.
I'm also excited to share that on Easter Sunday we will have two worship opportunities for you. We will have our Trinity service as we have been doing the past few weeks, but we will also be sharing a link to a service presented by the Office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This service features staff from a number of our denominational agencies and will be watched by Presbyterians across the country. I would encourage you to find time to engage with both services; in challenging times our connections, both locally and nationally, are a source of strength.
Second, I want to let you know that today we are mailing a letter to our Trinity family discussing the ways we have been responding to the COVID-19 crisis. You can read a digital version by clicking here. Our response to crisis is informed by our gratitude for God's grace; as we read in 1 John, "We love because he first loved us." The needs of our community are great; many are facing unprecedented financial hardships. If you are in that situation today, please reach out - my contact information is below - we want to help. However, some of us find ourselves in more stable financial situations. If this is your situation I would ask that you consider participating in the financial life of Trinity. It is through the generous participation of our Trinity family that we are able to empower transformational mission and ministry work. Learn more here.
We have had a number of people who have contacted Trinity asking how they can keep honoring their pledge when we aren't meeting for in-person worship. That is a great question! You have two options: mailing a check to the office or our new online giving system. Both are detailed here: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/give
Finally, I want to remind you that we have a regularly updated COVID-19 information page for Trinity. From that page you can request prayers or assistance, learn how to help, access information about COVID-19, and more. Check it out here: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/covid19
Friends, while I will most certainly miss seeing you in person this Easter Sunday, I know that the promise is true. We will proclaim it from our living rooms and couches and kitchen tables: death has lost its sting. Thanks be to God.
Pastor Chris
In-Person Activity Suspension
All in-person activities of Trinity have been suspended through and including Sunday, May 10, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes all gatherings such as worship, social events, studies, and meetings. Under our current suspension the first possible date for in-person church activities is Monday, May 11, 2020. We will review the public health situation and current guidance as the end of April approaches and communicate any updates.
We strongly encourage all members and friends of Trinity to follow the COVID-19 mitigation measures being recommended by our public health officials. These steps are essential to slowing the spread and will save lives.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Each year at Easter we collect the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. This offering is the single biggest way Presbyterians around the nation gather together to fund three critical denominational programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. These three programs are on the front lines of providing relief and recovery, and our support is needed now more than ever in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. If you are in a position to do so, please consider supporting this special offering today.
Instructions on how to give via check or online are available here:https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/give
Carla's Corner
This past Tuesday our congregation received the 1st edition of our Trinity Kids Monthly Newsletter. This is a fun bit of information regarding what's up with our youth and children. Although our time together has changed, we are still trying to connect and make a difference. If you did not receive an electronic version or would like a hard copy mailed, just let me know!
This Sunday, very early, the Trinity Easter bunny will visit all of our youth & children. She has actually taken one room of my house in preparing for this event. We hope everyone enjoys their special Trinity Easter Basket!
Kids Songs
Please send any great kid songs my way! Last week Sandie Everett sent me a song she grew up with, "Noah's Arky Ark." It's a lot of fun! Do you have a favorite song from your youth? Please send it my way as I'm planning on sending our young Trinity kids a video teaching them some of these tunes. If anything, it might be a nice change of pace!
Join Me!
Parents, I would really like to encourage you to download the Marco Polo app, if you haven't already. I have already made a group for Trinity Children and Trinity Youth. This is just like texting, but with video. I've loved seeing faces and receiving messages. Jake and Elly Crites sang "The B I B L E" to me, and I saw some beautiful sidewalk chalk creations by Grace and Emmett Douglas. David and Katherine Miller sent me a hello one day too! This is a great way to see each other, but in a fast format that doesn't take up a lot of time.
Eden Village/Rare Breed
This week, Chloe and I are baking some cookies for Eden Village. If there might be a week you could do the same, please contact Kate Companik, Penni Groves, or Sharon Marsh. Also, Penni said Eden Village could use Gatorade and possibly other items. If any of our children/youth are looking for a bit of mission work, draw some pictures, bake some cookies, do whatever you can to help others in need. You will definitely brighten their day!
Upcoming this Week:
Wednesday night youth zoom chat
7:30-8:00 p.m. Check in with Carla on Zoom. She will email you the info with our meeting and password on Wednesday. Be ready for some questions this week that go beyond "how are you doing!"
Sunday school
Last week, Ms. Kristin and Mr. Ron's class met via our social hour as Pastor Chris set up their own room. Thank you! Let's do it again next Sunday. Our youth are still having Sunday school via Discord every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m., and then Sunday Night Youth Group from 5:30-7:00 p.m. We have been playing games online together and, if all goes well, we will have some new games to choose from this week! Hope to see you there!
Work of the Church: March, 2020
Welcome New Members! In March, the Session was delighted to welcome into membership Judy McDonald and Maggie Seals by reaffirmation of faith. Judy just retired from a long career in real estate. Maggie is the daughter of members Kat and Carole Douglas and big sister to Grace and Emmett. Click here for contact information for our new members.
Highlights from the 197th Stated Meeting of John Calvin Presbytery: The meeting was held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Springfield, MO, on February 29, 2020, and was attended by Rev. Chris Miller. An oral report of the meeting was made to Session by Rev. Miller.
Clancy Cherry was examined and approved for service as a Commissioned Ruling Elder to serve the congregation of Hollister Presbyterian Church.
Following the departure of Rev. Melana Scruggs, John Calvin Presbytery is exploring a new model of leadership. The working hours for Pastoral Presbyter, Malinda Spencer, were increased, and Beth Kick, who has been serving as Acting Stated Clerk for the presbytery, is now officially the Stated Clerk of John Calvin Presbytery.
Beth Kick had been serving on the Committee on Ministry (Class of 2022). Trinity member Carole Hudgings will now serve the remainder of that term.
Rev. Dennis Winzenried, who retired from Community Presbyterian Church in Forsyth in February, was elected as Interim Treasurer of John Calvin Presbytery.
During the worship service Ruling and Teaching Elders who entered the Church Triumphant during 2019 were recognized. Among them was Trinity member, Donald Ray Holt.
The presbytery voted to concur with several overtures to General Assembly. If you would like more details, you may contact the Stated Clerk, Beth Kick,bkick@jcpresbytery.com.
The Deacons met on Sunday, March 8, 2020. The next meeting of the Deacons is to be determined.
The Deacons’ March report: The Deacons had already been working to strengthen connections with their Deacon groups when the cancellation of in-person activities at Trinity put a whole new spin on that work. The Deacons and Elders together are now working to check in with all members of the church to see how they are navigating the new world of COVID-19 and lend a friendly ear. Where needs are identified, there are volunteers and resources ready to be deployed.
Debbie Cron is the Chair of Deacons, and David Bohnenkamper is Clerk of Deacons.
The Session met via video-conference in a Called Session Meeting on Saturday, March 21, 2020, and for their stated meeting on Sunday, March 29, 2019. The next scheduled meeting of the Session is Sunday, April 19, 2020.
During March, the Session
Voted to extend the suspension of in-person activities at Trinity through at least Sunday, May 10, 2020, and discussed how best to support the congregation and ways to continue to worship together until we can meet together in person.
Approved a motion from the Personnel Committee to hire Reed Dressler as the interim Worship and Wonder leader.
Approved a motion from the Finance Committee to offer online giving through the Church Community Builder platform.
Approved a motion from the Personnel Committee to authorize the use of Checkr as a vendor for background checks of Trinity staff and volunteers. The application integrates with the church’s database, Church Community Builder.
Renewed the facility agreement between Trinity and Brentwood Christian Church through September 30, 2020.
For questions regarding the work of the Session you may contact Anita Dixon, Clerk of Session.
Treasurer’s Report
Total Income
2/1-2/29/2020: $45,579.08 YTD (1/1-2/29/2020): $92,630.08
Total Expenses
2/1-2/29/2020: $33,850.39 YTD (1/1-2/29/2020): $57,187.41
Operating Budget Account Balance as of 2/29/20: $54,558.96
ICS (Insured Cash Sweep -- also known as “Trinity Funds for the Future”) Account Balance as of 2/29/20: $626,945.55
Questions about the Treasurer’s Report may be directed to the Treasurer, Stephen Kane.
The following are summaries of the current work of the various committees and organizations of Trinity.
Christian Education and Faith Formation (Leadership Team: David Bohnenkamper (D), and Randy Hoops (E), Martha Sparrow (E)): The committee has not met since the February Session Meeting.
Communications Task Force (Leadership Team: Kristin Butler (D), Debbie Cron (D), and Jim Stewart (E)): The Communications Task Force is exploring options for web hosting and design.
Finance (Leadership Team: Randy Hoops (E), Trace Johnson (E), and Colleen Laas (D)): The Finance Committee submitted a motion to Session to offer online giving through the Church Community Builder platform.
Generosity and Engagement (Leadership Team: Patty Dunn (E) and Max Perryman (D)): The Generosity and Engagement Committee had planned an Engagement Fair for the whole congregation to attend on March 29 during the Sunday School hour. The fair will be re-scheduled to take place after we return to in-person worship services.
Mission and Public Witness (Leadership Team: Debbie Cron (D), Penni Groves (E), and Vernon Mears (E)): March's committee meeting focused on the following:
Discussion with Kenneth Kabak, Co-director of the Springfield "Street Choir" with focus on the current needs of the program.
Update: Congregation wide viewing of the movie "Gaslight".
Update: fundraiser supporting "Links of Love", an international Presbyterian mission to develop local agricultural capabilities worldwide.
Continued planning for Lent Soup & Bread Suppers.
Continued planning for Mission Spotlight in Thursday newsletter.
Continued planning for "Engagement Sunday".
Continued discussion, Eden Village II; possible partnership with Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Review of streamlining the process of support Trinity provides to feeding the homeless at Grace Church.
Discussion: Church Women United Mission allocation for 2020; approved motion to continue support.
Discussion: proposal to adopt guidelines for Pastor's Discretionary Fund; guidelines approved by Motion.
On March 24, the Committee met by phone conference and authorized donations to a number of Trinity’s mission partners experiencing increased need. These included the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Crosslines, Eden Village, Grace United Methodist Church, and Rare Breed.
Personnel (Leadership Team: Jim Stewart (E) and Brenda Williams (E)): The Personnel Committee updated the Church Childcare Worker Policy and submitted a motion to Session to hire Reed Dressler as the interim Worship and Wonder leader.
Welcome and Fellowship (Leadership Team: Patty Dunn (E), Mary Kay Hoops (D), and Cletus Johnson (E)): At their last meeting, the Welcome and Fellowship Committee was busy with plans for the Easter Brunch. Looking forward, there are tentative plans for a luncheon following the worship service on Pentecost Sunday (May 31), and the Boat House at Springfield Lake is under consideration as the venue for the fall picnic.
Worship and Music (Leadership Team: Katherine Arquitt (YD), Kristin Butler (D), Nia Howard (E), and Brenda Williams (E)): The Committee leadership team met via Zoom to discuss adapting Trinity's "together, apart" worship experience during Holy Week and beyond. Examples include taking communion in our homes, decorating doors or windows for Palm Sunday, and recording Scripture readings on video to share with the church family via email and social media.
Please Note: (E) designates Elder, (D) designates Deacon, and (YD) designates Youth Deacon.
Minute For Mission
The work of the Church continues! In March, the Mission committee used a portion of its budget to give: $2000 to the Council of Churches to provide support for extra freezer space in the Springfield Underground (or where they have most need); $500 to Eden Village for food support; $2000 to Grace Church for its ministry to the homeless brothers and sisters in our community; $500 to Rare Breed for the homeless youth who still need assistance; and $1100 to the Presbyterian Mission Agency for needs across our country. In addition, church members have provided multiple brown bag meals to Rare Breed, Eden Village, and Grace Church. Thank you to all who have provided assistance. If you would like to volunteer or if you need assistance, you may contact your deacon or Sharon Marsh (880-5988) or Penni Groves (840-5264).
Remaining Connected During Social Distancing
For the latest update on staying connected check out this post by Pastor Chris.
Prayer Concerns
If you or someone you love want to be included on the prayer list, please let the office know. (Always get permission before submitting information.) Also, when you want your name removed from the prayer list (or an update added), please let the office know at 417-450-2544 or office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org.
Chris Plate and his family as he undergoes hospitalization for a possible kidney rejection.
Charlotte Dugan, as she receives medical care.
Michael Howell as he recovers from an auto accident.
Tom Cavicchia and family, for strength and comfort.