Weekly Newsletter - May 7, 2020

From Pastor Chris

Thank you to everyone who took part in our second Crosslines Supply Drive at the start of this week! I'm delighted to share that we collected over 900 pounds of food and supplies for our neighbors in need and, when combined with our first drive, we have now collected ONE TON of food and supplies. I am so proud to be pastor of a community devoted to caring for all people.

Today I want to talk for a moment about how we can, as a community, use this time of physical distancing as an evangelism tool for our congregation. I know it may seem strange to think of this time as an opportunity, but I think it is. So many folks, lots of us included, are feeling overwhelmed by everything that is going on in our world during this time of pandemic. In times of crisis people often turn to the church, but right now our physical spaces are closed for worship, so where do they turn?

We know that Trinity is still busy being church, but do our neighbors know it? Here are some ways you can help connect people with the work, worship, and fellowship of Trinity right now:

  • Forward our church emails to people who might be interested. If you found a worship service especially meaningful, send the link to a friend or relative who might enjoy it too.

  • Share Trinity social media posts. If you are on Facebook, make sure you "Like" the Trinity page so you get updates. Then, when you see a post from us on your news feed, click the "like" button and "share" the post to your friends. If each of us would share a post or two a week that would mean tons more people would learn about Trinity! You can also engage with Trinity on TwitterInstagram, andYouTube.

  • Invite a friend or relative to join us for one of our Zoom gatherings; that could be Sunday School, a mid-week study group, or the coffee and conversation time on Tuesday. (Just please don't post Zoom passwords on social media - send them via email instead.)

There are lots of ways to connect with folks; these are just a few. Calls, cards, and texts are other great ways to show people you care. If there are ways Trinity and I can care for YOU this week please, reach out.


Pastor Chris

PS - You should have received a letter from me in the last day or so talking about the process Trinity leadership is taking to consider the many facets of our pathway forward during this time of pandemic. You can download a digital copy, plus view a special message from me, here: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/news/trinity-activity-update-may-2-2020

PPS - We are nearing the end of our collection for One Great Hour of Sharing, so if you haven’t made your gift yet, please consider making a special gift today. There is an article below on the important work done by OGHS.

Carla's Corner

May Day Mission Complete!

Last week our children and youth planted and decorated flowers and cards for over 50 of our congregation members who have had illness, loss, or special circumstances. We then delivered them to their homes. It was so much fun!

There is a video on our church YouTube channel if you'd like to take a look. It has tons of pictures and even a little video of one of the "drop offs" the Holliday's made at Lydia Allen's home. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/ZKcfa48c_SQ

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is this Sunday, and one of our creative friends, Julie Thomas, has provided a special craft for our children to make for their mothers. It is very simple and appropriate for our younger Trinity kids. On Wednesday, Carla dropped off the crafty bags at homes and emailed a "how to" video. We hope they have fun making these simple flower napkin holders. Thank you, Julie, for getting the materials, making the baggies for our children and making the "how to" video!

Goodbye, Reed.....kind-of! 

Reed Dressler, the youth pastor we share with Brentwood and our interim worship and wonder teacher, has been assisting with our youth since we moved to Brentwood. This past weekend Reed and his wife moved to Salt Lake City, where both will be taking graduate courses in the fall. Because of the quick move, we didn't get a chance to say good-bye to Reed. However, once they are moved in, we will provide an address for anyone who wants to send Reed a card or gift certificate to help him and Kensey as they start a new chapter in their life. Reed will still work with us as long as we are having Sunday school and youth group virtually.

Adopt our Trinity Seniors!

Last week I shared my idea for us to adopt Trinity seniors who will not get the traditional graduation they so deserve. I hope many of you will send cards and whatever else you can think of to make this time as special as it can be under the current circumstances. Trinity's Youth and Children have some plans to provide gift cards and more for both Sophia and Daniel! Please feel free to send your cards anytime, as both will be graduating in the next couple of weeks.

Do You Know.... of any youth who might want to join us for games on Wednesday or Sunday nights? We have been having a lot of fun playing games and hanging out. So, if you know of any youth who might be bored and looking for a little connection this would be a nice way to make a few new friends and have some fun in the comfort of their own home! You can send me their name and contact information, or they could text me if they're interested and I could fill them in. The more the merrier!

Trinity Kids May Newsletter was emailed to everyone this week. If you are aware of any Trinity member who does not receive our emails and would like to have a copy mailed to them, just let me know!

Crosslines Food Drive

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Thank you to everyone who came out, even in less than ideal weather, to support our second Crosslines Supply Drive. It was another huge success! Trinity members donated 933 lbs. of non-perishable food to help needy families in our community.

Each year at Easter we collect the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. This offering is the single biggest way Presbyterians around the nation gather together to fund three critical denominational programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. These three programs are on the front lines of providing relief and recovery, and our support is needed now more than ever in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. If you are in a position to do so, please consider supporting this special offering today.

Instructions on how to give via check or online are available here:https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/give

In-Person Activity Suspension

All in-person activities of Trinity have been suspended through and including Sunday, May 31, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes all gatherings such as worship, social events, studies, and meetings. Under our current suspension the first possible date for in-person church activities is Monday, June 1, 2020. We will review the public health situation and current guidance as the end of May approaches and communicate any updates.

We strongly encourage all members and friends of Trinity to follow the COVID-19 mitigation measures being recommended by our public health officials. These steps are essential to slowing the spread and will save lives.

May Birthdays at Trinity

Take a moment to say a prayer of thanks for these members of our Trinity family this month!

  • May 1   Debbie Cron

  • May 1   Carla Wootton

  • May 5   Debbie Stewart

  • May 6   Trace Johnson

  • May 7   Elijah Conaway

  • May 10  Robert Reed

  • May 13  Zion Howard

  • May 14  Hazel Amos

  • May 19  David Fleetwood

  • May 29  Wayne Highley

  • May 30  Daniel Bohnenkamper

If you would like to be included in our birthday list, please be sure to update your records with the church office before your birthday occurs. You may call or email your information.

Remaining Connected During Social Distancing

For the latest update on staying connected, check out this post by Pastor Chris.


Prayer Concerns

If you or someone you love want to be included on the prayer list, please let the office know. (Always get permission before submitting information.) Also, when you want your name removed from the prayer list (or an update added), please let the office know at 417-450-2544 or office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org.


  • For the family and friends of Carolyn Hart, widow of the late Rev. Dr. Jack Hart, at her death on Wednesday, April 29,2020.

  • Strength and comfort for Jerry Redfern and his family.

  • Chris Plate and his family as he continues medical treatment.

  • Charlotte Dugan, as she receives medical care.

  • Michael Howell as he recovers from an auto accident.

  • Tom Cavicchia and family, for strength and comfort.


Extended Worship - May 10, 2020


Remaining Connected - May 4, 2020