Remaining Connected - May 4, 2020
Trinity donation to Crosslines food pantry, May 4, 2020. Tap to see larger.
Happy Star Wars Day! Thankfully, even in my sci-fi nerdy-ness I can still be liturgically correct, "May the force be with you!" "And also with you..." Whether you are celebrating May the Fourth in a galaxy far, far away or a bit closer to home, I hope today is a good day.
Thank you to all the Trinity family who came out in less than ideal weather today to support our second supply drive for Crosslines. Due to the weather the Crosslines truck didn't make it out this afternoon so I don't have an "official" total to share yet, but Tom Faulkner, the Director at Crosslines, stopped by for a visit and he was delighted! He specifically thanked folks who brought tuna, jelly, soup, and mac & cheese because at the moment they are having a really hard time getting those items through their supply chain. If you weren't able to get out today, no worries! You can make a gift online or watch the newsletter for our next supply drive.
I am so proud of you, the Trinity family, for how you have stepped up to care for each other and our community. How we take care of one another is part of how we witness to the world what it means to be a Christian. I hope you will connect with your Trinity family this week in at least one way.
Here are the ways you can connect with your Trinity family this week online:
Social Media Scripture - Daily, early afternoon
Each day I'll be sharing, via our social media channels, a verse or two of scripture from the daily lectionary along with a one or two sentence reflection. These aren't sermons, just a quick mid-day reflection on God's Word. I hope you'll hop on Facebook, Twitter (@trinitysgfpcusa), or Instagram (@trinitysgfpcusa) and check out the posts, join the conversation, and share with your friends and family.
Coffee & Conversation - Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm
Join me for a time of conversation and checking in at our virtual coffee shop. We will gather via Zoom (from the comfort of our own home) to chat and check in with one another. Bring your questions, prayer concerns, and more! If you've not come before, why not give it a try this week?
Join by computer/smartphone/tablet at this link:
Join by phone by calling +1 312 626 6799 and entering, when prompted:
Meeting ID: 609 200 160
Password: [Check your email or call the office]
Four and More Bible Study - Wednesday from 4pm to 5pm (NOTE: Back to the normal time)
Join Rev. Jane Huffstetler for this journey through the Bible. We are currently working our way through 1 Kings. No prior knowledge is necessary. All you need is a Bible.
Join by computer/smartphone/tablet at this link:
Join by phone by calling +1 312 626 6799 and entering, when prompted:
Meeting ID: 923 7561 0702
Password: [Check your email or call the office]
Wednesday Night Youth Chat - Wednesdays from 7:30pm to 8:00pm
For our Middle & High School aged youth. Join Carla on Zoom for a mid-week chat where we can play games, talk, and more. Contact Carla for login information.
Thursday Study Group - Thursdays from 4pm to 5pm
Each week I'll be leading a discussion / study group via Zoom where we discuss a weekly topic or article. I'm listing the topic in this email each week; you don't have to show up every week -- come when the topic is interesting to you! This week we are watching a short (less than 5 min) message from Rev. Dr. M. Craig Barnes, President at Princeton Theological Seminary on what it means to have Abundant Expectations for this season and the months to come. Watch the video here.
Join by computer/smartphone/tablet at this link:
Join by phone by calling +1 312 626 6799 and entering, when prompted:
Meeting ID: 935 2525 4436
Password: [Check your email or call the office]
Sunday Morning Social Hour & Sunday School - Sunday from 10:00am to 11:30am
Join your Trinity family for a time of conversation this Sunday. We will gather as a large group briefly at 10:00 and then into smaller groups for our Sunday School classes, plus a general space for those who just want to chat (or check out this whole Zoom thing).
Join by computer/smartphone/tablet at this link:
Join by phone by calling +1 312 626 6799 and entering, when prompted:
Meeting ID: 928 867 456
Password: [Check your email or call the office]
Sunday Night Youth Group - Sundays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
For our Middle & High School aged youth. Join Reed and Carla on Discord to play games and have fun. Contact Carla or Reed for login information.
Check out our Zoom help guide here:
Thanks for being part of the Trinity family. If there are ways the church and I can be a good support to you and your family in these days, please let me know.
Pastor Chris