Trinity News & Updates
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Worship | Remaining Connected | Pandemic Updates | Notes from Pastor Chris
Worship for July 9, 2023
Today, on July 2, guest preacher Rev. Dennis Winzenreid will be preaching. Our combined Sunday School class will not meet this morning. We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for July 2, 2023
Today, on July 2, guest preacher Rev. Dennis Winzenreid will be preaching. Our combined Sunday School class will not meet this morning. We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for June 25, 2023
Today, on June 25, guest preacher Rev. Bill Havens will be preaching. Our combined Sunday School class will meet this morning, at 10:15am, in the Fellowship Hall and online. Nate Shlueter from Eden Village will be speaking to the class this morning! We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for June 18, 2023
Today, on June 18, guest preacher Rev. Barry Williams will be preaching. Our combined Sunday School class will meet this morning, at 10:15am, in the Fellowship Hall. Jaimie Trussell from the Crosslines Ministry will be speaking to the class this morning! We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. If you are worshipping with us online, please prepare your communion elements to have during service. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for June 11, 2023
Today, June 11, Nissa Krier will be preaching. Our combined Sunday School class will begin meeting for the summer this morning, at 10:15am, in the Fellowship Hall. Rebekah Thomas will be speaking to the class this morning! We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. If you are worshipping with us online, please prepare your communion elements to have during service. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for June 4, 2023, Trinity Sunday
Today, on Trinity Sunday, Rev. Dennis Winzenried will be preaching. Our combined Sunday School class will begin meeting for the summer this morning, at 10:15am, in the Fellowship Hall. Melinda Spencer will be speaking to the class this morning! We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. If you are worshipping with us online, please prepare your communion elements to have during service. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for May 28, 2023, Pentecost
Today, on Pentecost, Rev. Barry Williams will be preaching. Due to the holiday weekend, we will not have Worship & Wonder during worship for children. There will be goodie bags available for children who attend worship. We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Today, on the seventh Sunday of Easter, Rev. Dennis Winzenried will be preaching. We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Today, on the sixth Sunday of Easter, Rev. Bill Havens will be preaching. We will also have a special musical performance from our children during worship! We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for May 7, 2023 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
Today, on the fifth Sunday of Easter, Rev. Bill Havens will be preaching. We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for April 30, 2023 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
Today, on the fourth Sunday of Easter, Pastor Chris will be preaching on the good shepherd. We gather in the Sanctuary and online today at 11:30am for worship. As always, our online service is recorded and available later in the week to watch and share with others.
Worship for April 23, 2023 - Third Sunday of Easter
Today, on the third Sunday of Easter, Pastor Chris will be preaching on how we should respond to the news of the resurrection: hope or doubt? We also invite you to our potluck this evening, from 6-8pm, to celebrate the recent season of Ramadan.
Worship for April 16, 2023 - Second Sunday of Easter
Today, on the second Sunday of Easter, Rev. Barry Williams will be guest preaching! We are excited to announce our Sunday School classes will be resuming at 10:15am this morning!
Worship for April 9, 2023 - Easter Sunday
He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
Today is the joyful day of our salvation; the day when we proclaim, in the words of the old hymn, "where, O death, is now thy sting?" Wherever you are today, I sincerely hope you will spend some of your Easter celebrating the resurrection of Christ with your Trinity family, either in-person or via our livestream service.
Worship for April 2, 2023 - Palm / Passion Sunday
We enter worship today proclaiming "Hosanna!" while the celebratory palm branches wave, yet we know so well the journey this week will take us to places we would rather not go.
This year I encourage, even challenge, you to allow yourself to take the full journey of Holy Week. Allow yourself to feel to joyful entry into Jerusalem, for joy is right. Allow yourself to feel the pain and betrayal of the arrest and trial, for pain is also right. Allow yourself to mourn on Good Friday, for mourning is also right. Allow yourself to feel the resurrection hope, for hope is also right.
Worship for March 26, 2023 - Annual Congregational Meeting
I want to thank Rev. Howard Cavner for stepping in on short notice to preach this Sunday and Rev. Greg Esselman for agreeing to moderate our Annual Congregational meeting.
Worship for March 19, 2023 - Making Room at the Table
When was the last time you were invited to a banquet? Maybe a wedding or an important business event? Did you get to choose your table, or did you get seated? How, and where, people are seated at a banquet says a lot about the event and who is welcome and wanted. In today's scripture, Jesus challenges us to look again at who we have room for at the table.
Worship for March 12, 2023 - Surprised by Grace
This morning in worship we will be reflecting on how often God surprises us, even interrupts us, with grace.
Worship for March 5, 2023 - The Welcome Table
Have you ever gone to someone's home for dinner and felt completely welcome? Today we read a story of Jesus creating a place of welcome for those on the margins of his society; and we will together consider how we might do the same today.
Worship for February 26, 2023 - Food for the Journey
I am delighted to be back with you as we worship together today on this first Sunday of Lent. We will be reflecting together on how God provided us nourishment for our journey of faith.