Weekly Newsletter - 10/15/20

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Trinity Presbyterian Church PC(U.S.A.)

Welcoming you to share the joy of Christ

Worshiping Together | Serving Together | Caring Together

October 15, 2020

From Pastor Chris

Today I have an important announcement about an upcoming, congregation-wide event. During the fall of 2020, Trinity is engaging in a congregation-wide study on the powerful book "No Innocent Bystanders: Becoming an Ally in the Struggle for Justice". We believe this work is so important, that we are providing a complimentary copy of the book to each Trinity household.

Please plan to pick up your complimentary copy at Trinity (West Entry) during the following pick-up windows. Depending on need, we may hold additional pick-up times the following weekend - but please pick up your book on one of these three days if possible.

Sunday, October 18 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Monday, October 19 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 20 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

When you pick up your book we will include a study and reading guide. You can also find all the information here: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/racism/#NIBStudy

If we are to be allies in the struggle for justice, we must begin by understanding why the work is needed and then exploring how we can help. The aim of this study is to explore those two questions from a distinctly Christian perspective. We will be exploring this book in depth over four weeks, beginning the last week of October and going through the week before Thanksgiving.

We have three main ways for you to engage with our study; choose the one that works best for you!

1. Zoom Discussion Group - We will be hosting a Zoom gathering each week to discuss the book. Join from the comfort of your home! Zoom gatherings will take place Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. from October 29 through November 19.

2. In-Person Discussion Groups - We will hold two in-person discussion groups for those who prefer; attendance will be limited to 15 for safety, so an RSVP is requested. Our in-person gatherings will take place Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at the church, from October 28 through November 18.

3. Self-Paced Study - If you prefer a self-paced option, no worries. Use the discussion questions at the end of each section as a journaling prompt.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday - Tuesday when you pick up your book!


Pastor Chris

PS - Don’t forget to order your “Trinity Cares” face masks in support of Rare Breed Youth Outreach!  You can order online (and pay now or when you pick up your mask): https://bit.ly/trinitymask


Curbside Food Drive Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who came out for our October Curbside Food Drive. Once again we collected LOTS of food for Crosslines, along with several hundred hand-warmers for the homeless community outreach with our partners at Grace UMC.  Every donation makes a direct, positive impact in someone’s life.  I should have totals to share during worship this Sunday.

Worship With Trinity

Even though the pandemic means we aren't gathered together in the same physical space, we are still worshiping together at a church family. Find our latest worship service, plus weekly resources for families, devotional links, and much more on our worship page.



Carla's Corner

I'm really excited about today, October 15th, for 2 reasons: First- my 2nd set of parents, Joyce and Gary Shirkey, will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary! Secondly-I am setting up tables at Trinity, on our West Pavillion from 3:30-5:30 p.m. for ANYONE who would like to come and help me cut plastic bags for our plarn mat project. This is now turning into a Trinity Youth & Trinity Family project! So if you aren't busy this Thursday from 3:30-5:30 and you'd like to sit outside, talk a little, cut some plastic bags, come on over! 

Mask Anyone?

If you haven't ordered your "Trinity Cares" mask for $10, please do! Pastor Chris has given links in several emails or you can call/email/text me and I'll order for you. They are grey with our Trinity logo and "Trinity Cares." You have 2 options: ear loops or head elastic. About $4.50 of each mask purchased will go toward helping our friends at Rare Breed. We will also be giving 40 masks to Rare Breed in our 4th Friday bagged meal delivery. A big Thanks to Stephanie Holliday for our design and to Julie Thomas' company, Third Street Sportswear, for the making and printing of our masks.

Children/Youth Activities in October

Here is what we have planned in October for our Youth and Children: 

Sundays: Every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Reed, our youth pastor, has a great Sunday school class for our youth via Discord. This is for kids age 6th grade and above, and if you have any questions regarding how to join please contact Carla! Also, at 6:30 p.m. every Sunday we have our youth fellowship, where the kids get online, talk, fellowship and play games. This is also through Discord.

Saturday, 10/10: We had fun playing tennis at Millwood from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and then eating at Sonic afterward. A big Thank You to Amanda Kutter for hosting and Penni Groves for the great idea!!

Thursday, 10/15: Plarn Mat making at Trinity, West Pavillion 3:30-5:30 p.m. Anybody is welcome to come and help!

Friday, 10/23: Carla will deliver 40 sack meals to Rare Breed. A big thank you to the Stewart Family, Arquitt Family, Groves Family, and Garvin Family for making the sack meals for this month! We will also include a "Trinity Cares" mask in each sack.

Saturday, 10/24: TAK & Youth outing/craft/Hallelujah Day! Julie Thomas has prepared a bunch of cool crafts for our youth and children on Saturday, October 24, from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. We will be making pine cone birdfeeders and decorating pumpkins with googly eyes and crazy hair, just to name a few ideas. We will have snacks and, at noon, the youth will stay and practice "Hallelujah" with hand bells. If we feel comfortable, we will record it for our November 1 offertory!

Saturday, 10/31: Halloween Party at Carla's House! On Halloween, we are going to have a party at Carla's house from 4:00-6:00 p.m. for our youth and children. We will get our fire pit going, have games, treats, and I think we might even go on a ghost scavenger hunt. Our youth have spotted a few ghost-like forms at the Wootton place, so we will need our children's help finding them! We hope you will be able to come!!

Trinity Youth Tennis Team?

Well, they may not be ready to form a tennis team, but we sure had fun on Saturday, October 10 at the Millwood tennis courts. While some of the kids played tennis, others helped with our Plarn project. Of course, like the good Presbyterians we are, food had to be involved! We went to Sonic afterward!

SALT Gathering

This Saturday, October 17, our SALT class will be gathering at the Woottons for some fellowship around the fire pit! We will begin at 5:00 p.m., and drinks/eats will be furnished. The only thing you need to bring is yourself and your lawn chair

Congregational Care Need

The Trinity Congregational Care Committee is looking for a volunteer to provide transportation to St. Louis for a Trinity member sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. This would involve a three day commitment. Day 1 - leave Spfd. around 10:00 a.m., driving to and spending the afternoon and night in St. Louis. Day 2 - Spend the day and night in St. Louis. (On your own). Day 3 - leave St. Louis mid-morning and return to Spfd. The person needing this assistance is willing to pay for gas, meals, and lodging. If you have questions about and/or are able to help with this request, please call or text Sharon Marsh, (417) 880-5988 or Greg Redfern, (417) 882-2870.

October Birthdays at Trinity

Take a moment to say a prayer of thanks for these members of our Trinity family this month!

  • Oct. 2    Joyce Criswell

  • Oct. 2    Susie Holliday

  • Oct. 9    Linda Kernohan

  • Oct. 14   Dave Muegge

  • Oct. 15   Sue Bohnenkamper

  • Oct. 15   Trisha Cain

  • Oct. 15   Suzanne Dollar

  • Oct. 17   Mike Plate

  • Oct. 23   Sue Reynolds

  • Oct. 31   Gail Tombleson

If you would like to be included in our birthday list, please be sure to update your records with the church office before your birthday occurs. You may call or email your information.

Remaining Connected During Social Distancing

Even though we aren’t together for in-person worship, there is still a lot happening with your Trinity family right now.  To see the latest, and how you can get involved in safe ways, visit our News & Updates page on the church website: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/news

Sunday School Classes

The Fall 2020 schedule of classes can be found on the Trinity Website.

The Lectionary Class meets via Zoom at 9:30 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

The Salt and Topical Discussion Class meet via Zoom from 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

The Topical Discussion Class is participating in a 7- part series from The Thoughtful Christian running September 20 through November 1. The theme is "The History of Religion and Politics in America", using contributions from various theologians and politicians.

Discussion will be facilitated by various class members. Handouts are available on the Trinity Website.

Oct. 18: Session 5- Barack Obama on Religion and Politics- Eltjen Flikkema

Oct. 25: Session 6- Tony Campolo on Religion and Politics- Jim Stewart

Nov. 1: Session 7- Marian Wright Edelman on Religion and Politics-Carole Hudgings

Oct. 25: Session 6- Tony Campolo on Religion and Politics

Nov. 1: Session 7- Marian Wright Edelman on Religion and Politics


Contacting Pastor Chris

I want to be the best support I can for you. Here is how to get in touch:

  • The easiest way is by email: cmiller@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org

  • I am also available by phone or text at 816.805.2742

  • I am in the office most days, Monday through Thursday. I am currently holding personal meetings / counseling sessions outside under the covered Trinity entrance.  Call or email to schedule a time for us to meet.

  • NOTE ABOUT FRIDAYS: I take Friday as my Sabbath day to focus on my family. I try to not reply to email, phone, or text. However, if there is an urgent pastoral issue, please contact Deacon Sharon Marsh at 417.880.5988/smarsh43@icloud.com or Deacon Greg Redfern at 417.225.2435/jredfern1313@gmail.com and they will make any necessary arrangements. If you have an immediate need to speak with a pastor and it is a Friday or Chris isn’t in town, you may call Rev. Bill Havens at 417.350.4507.

Prayer Concerns

If you or someone you love want to be included on the prayer list, please let the office know. (Always get permission before submitting information.) Also, when you want your name removed from the prayer list (or an update added), please let the office know at 417-450-2544 or office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org.


  • Charly Griesinger, library student worker at Drury University. She is showing signs of the virus

  • For David Bohnenkamper's aunt, Sharon, who is having a difficult struggle with chemotherapy for bone cancer.

  • For Ronora Correll as she navigates a positive diagnosis for COVID.  She has asked for our prayers, but requested this information not be shared on social media.

  • For friends of David and Susan Hart who have been diagnosed with cancer.

  • Brenda Havens continues to make progress on her recovery, and appreciates all the prayers.

  • For Lori Becker as she undergoes medical care.

  • Chris Plate and his family as he continues medical treatment.

  • Charlotte Dugan, as she receives medical care.

  • Michael Howell as he recovers from an auto accident.



P.O. Box 3486, Springfield, MO 65808-3486 | 1900 E. Barataria Street | 417-450-2544 | office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org

Learn more about Trinity Presbyterian Church at http://TrinitySpringfieldPCUSA.org

Be sure to follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/trinitypcusaspmo/

Learn more about the denomination at http://www.pcusa.org


Extended Worship - October 18, 2020


Extended Worship - October 11, 2020