Trinity Mission Impact: By the Numbers
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Since the start of the pandemic, Trinity has prioritized responding to the emerging needs of our community. Our Mission & Public Witness Committee has met frequently via video conference to hear updates from our mission partners, consider needs, and plan our response. We wanted to share a comprehensive picture of the work we have been able to do over the past five months in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trinity Mission Impact By the Numbers: Pandemic Response Since March
$33,750 in financial grants provided to local, national, and international mission partners. See below for the full list.
1,490 meals provided to homeless and food insecure families and individuals.
4,650 bottles of safe drinking water provided to homeless and housing insecure individuals.
4,200 pounds of nonperishable food provided to Crosslines food pantry.
575 pair of new socks for homeless and at-risk youth and young adults.
Pandemic Response Grant Recipients Since March
Crosslines - $5,750
Discovery Garden Montessori School - $2,500
Eden Village - $500
Grace United Methodist - $2,000
Merciful Nights Initiative - $3,000
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - $3,000
Rare Breed - $500
United Nations Relief Agency (Palestine) - $1,000
The Boys and Girls Club of Springfield - $10,000
The Children, Youth, and Family Development Center - $2,500
The Connecting Grounds - $3,000
Total Grants Provided to Date: $33,750
In addition to our pandemic response, Trinity is engaged in a number of other mission and witness activities, including:
Partnering with Westminster Presbyterian Church to fund the community store at Eden Village 2
Providing financial support to the Rev. Cheryl Barnes, an International Mission Co-Worker of the PC(USA) serving in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Tap here to read Cheryl's latest letter about her work.
Supporting the Shared Mission and Theological Education Funds of John Calvin Presbytery and the Synod of Mid-America
All of our mission work is enabled through your generosity. Each donation at our curbside food drives, each meal prepared, each pledge sent enables us to witness to the redeeming power of Christ in our world. Thank you! If you would like to know more about the Mission & Public Witness work of Trinity, please reach out to Pastor Chris or Mission & Public Witness Co-Chairs Penni Groves and Debbie Cron.