Weekly Church Newsletter 8/20/20
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Trinity Presbyterian Church PC(U.S.A.)
Welcoming you to share the joy of Christ
Worshiping Together | Serving Together | Caring Together
August 20, 2020
From Pastor Chris
We've got some great updates for you in today's newsletter! Make sure you check out the information about the discussion group I'll be leading this Sunday on our 21-Day Racial Justice Challenge, don't miss your chance to attend Equipping the Saints (for FREE!) this Saturday, and I know you'll want to read the latest update from our Mission & Public Witness team about the impact we have made over the past months of the pandemic. I want to thank the many folks who have taken the time already to complete our congregational survey about our pandemic response. Your response is important to me and the rest of the Trinity leadership and staff as we look to the coming months of the pandemic. If you would like a physical copy of the survey to fill out, simply give the office a call and June will gladly mail you a copy. Otherwise, the easiest way to submit your feedback is online. Tap here to get started.
Finally, I am glad to share an update from our Session on our Pandemic Response. At our meeting this past Sunday, the Session voted to move to Level 2 of our Framework for Pandemic Response. In summary, Level 2 is an incremental step toward resuming some in-person activities at Trinity. Here are the basics.
Small groups may meet under the following conditions:
Gatherings must take place outside.
Gatherings are limited to a maximum of 15 individuals.
Masks are required at all gatherings.
Physical distancing of at least six feet must be maintained.
Worship, study, and fellowship will continue to be provided online.
I invite you to take a look at our Pandemic Response page on the Trinity website to read more details and view our full Framework for Pandemic Response, our Facility Usage / Cleaning Plan, and more. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have; please email or call at your convenience!
Pastor Chris
P.S. - This Sunday is an important anniversary in the life of our congregation. It was five years ago, on Sunday, August 23, 2015, that the first meeting of what would become Trinity was held. While there is much that can, and should, be said about these past five years, I will simply say this: thank you. Thank you for being part of the Trinity family. Thank you for being devoted to a community where we seek to follow Jesus, even when it isn’t easy. Thank you for saying yes to a church where we love and serve all people joyfully.
While the giant party will have to wait, I can tell you this: there are plans afoot for some celebration in the months to come.
Worship With Trinity
Even though the pandemic means we aren't gathered together in the same physical space, we are still worshiping together at a church family. Find our latest worship service, plus weekly resources for families, devotional links, and much more on our worship page.
21- Day Racial Justice Challenge
It's hard to believe, but tomorrow is the last day of our 21-Day Racial Justice Challenge, and we want to take some time to discuss our experiences together. This coming Sunday (August 23) Pastor Chris will be leading a discussion from 10:00 a.m. until about 11:15 during Sunday School. The link to join the discussion will be in the weekly worship email. Whether you have completed one challenge or all 21, we hope you can join the discussion! Find all the details, and the daily challenges, on our website and make sure you are following Trinity on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) to get the daily challenge each morning.
Carla's Corner
Are you ready for school to start? It certainly doesn't feel like school is starting, simply because it's so different this year. Change is hard, especially for us, for human beings. Right now, I'm thinking about all of our kids and especially those with milestones; Elijah Conaway is starting his senior year of high school and attending only 2 days a week. Eva Martin is starting her kindergarten year, the same way. And then we have all other scenarios with kids attending 5 days a week, and maybe some learning all virtually. But this I know.........one day in the near future, our kids will look back and have quite the story to tell. They went to school during the Covid pandemic and, although it was weird and different and hard...........they made the most of it alongside their parents, who did everything in their power to make sure their kids were well cared for. My hope is they will also have memories of their Trinity family and how we have tried to be loving and supportive during this changing time.
Guess what? Jack Johnson did not turn 13 August 16 .........he WILL turn 13 on September 16! I'm hoping this might mean 2 months worth of Happy Birthday cards for Jack. What kid wouldn't like that?!
Trinity Time With Carla
As school is getting back in session, I will be sending all of our families a personalized letter regarding how I might help their kids with virtual learning. With SPS going 2 days a week and being virtual 3 days, it has left many families scrambling to find childcare for the 3 days their students are home. However, we have found our Trinity families have figured this out. But, what many parents feel more uncomfortable doing is being "teacher" during the virtual learning days at home. This is where I come in. My plan is to provide an hour or two of tutoring/guidance during virtual time for any and all of our Trinity kids/families who are interested. I would absolutely love to come to homes for an hour or two, once a week on kids' virtual days, and provide that teacher support that many parents might not feel good about. I love teaching. I love getting to work with kids, the organization of it, and the entire process. So, Trinity families, be looking for my letter to you!
Youth Sunday Nights!
As Session has moved us to the next level of our pandemic response, I'm wondering how our youth would feel about having Sunday Night Youth Group here, outside, at my house? We have plenty of outdoor space and many fun things for us to do. It would be so good to see each other and fellowship in person. We'll be discussing this, so think about it!
Worship Survey
Pastor Chris recently sent out a survey, asking you, our Trinity family, how our form of virtual worship is working for you. I am involved in a lot of the service (hymns, children's sermon, anthem and offertory music) and I truly would like your feedback. I know you all love me, so please, give me your honest thoughts and feelings! No need to sugar coat anything because I'm a big girl and I can take it! To me, it is wonderful information that can guide our path. We are here to serve you, our Trinity family. You are always welcome to send me ideas regarding music and even pointers for things I'm new at doing (like the children's sermon!) Although I know I will not be able to make everyone happy, I feel it is very valuable to take someone else's perspective and consider that point of view. For me, it's the only way to keep moving forward. So please, give us your thoughts and feelings. Whether in a survey or directly by calling/texting/emailing me. You are important! (417-849-6865, carlaw@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org)
Thank You!
I would like to thank and recognize Anne Crites. Several weeks ago when SPS announced their plan for school this fall, Anne contacted me with a "crazy idea." Well that idea wasn't crazy, it was compassionate and very real. In a matter of 3 days, Anne almost single-handedly came up with a huge plan of how Trinity could help fill the virtual day gap with a wrap-around program. She and I spent a lot of time talking about it, but Anne's wheelhouse is non-profit work and organization so she was the brains behind the entire proposal. Although the plan was wonderful and praised by our Session, we just didn't have enough time to bring that plan to fruition before school started. So, we took the idea and turned in a different direction. This leads to thank Penni Groves and the mission committee as to how much funding they have given to area groups who are capable of helping the many, many families with childcare and virtual learning. Pastor Chris is going to highlight all that our church has been doing in mission work, and it is quite phenomenal. A big Thanks to Penni and her committee members for their leadership in this process! And this leads me to thank Martha Sparrow and our CE committee. They have been so supportive of my creative ways in trying to connect with our kids. They also were/are in full support of whatever we can do to aid our Trinity families/friends. In all of this, it would be very easy for our leaders to get scared and worry about church funding during these uncertain times. But our leaders have chosen to use our gifts/tithes/offerings to help others. And that leads to my last thank you........TO YOU! - my Trinity family. Do you know none of this would be possible without you? I am in a job I love because you support our church and felt it important to hire me for music and youth. Mission and CE committees are able to help tons of families, in many different ways, because of your generous giving. We are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus because of you. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Equipping the Saints - This Saturday!
If you want to attend, please let me know as soon as you can so I can send you the login information! Note: the updated time is 9:45 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. On Saturday, August 22, John Calvin Presbytery is hosting Equipping the Saints 2020 - this year as an online event. We are delighted to welcome back the Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka to lead us in a discussion of ministry to and with young adults. Rodger is a pastor at Village Presbyterian Church in Kansas City and a former seminary professor at Columbia Theological in Georgia. Some of us were able to attend his keynote last year at Equipping the Saints here at Trinity, and I am very much looking forward to learning more from him! I want to encourage you to attend this wonderful event, and to make it easy our CE Committee has covered the registration fee for any Trinity member who wishes to attend. Simply email me or call the office (417.450.2544) and I'll get you the details. This event will take place on Saturday, August 22 from 9:45 a.m. until about 11:45 a.m. It will be held via Zoom; you may connect via computer, smartphone, or tablet to have full audio & video (which I recommend) or via standard phone for audio only.
Trinity Mission Update
Since the start of the pandemic, Trinity has prioritized responding to the emerging needs of our community. Our Mission & Public Witness Committee has met frequently via video conference to hear updates from our mission partners, consider needs, and plan our response. We want to share a comprehensive picture of the work we have been able to do over the past five months in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trinity Mission Impact By the Numbers: Pandemic Response Since March
$33,750 in financial grants provided to local, national, and international mission partners. See below for the full list.
1,490 meals provided to homeless and food insecure families and individuals.
4,650 bottles of safe drinking water provided to homeless and housing insecure individuals.
4,200 pounds of nonperishable food provided to Crosslines food pantry.
575 pairs of new socks for homeless and at-risk youth and young adults.
Pandemic Response Grant Recipients Since March
Crosslines - $5,750
Discovery Garden Montessori School - $2,500
Eden Village - $500
Grace United Methodist - $2,000
Merciful Nights Initiative - $3,000
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - $3,000
Rare Breed - $500
United Nations Relief Agency (Palestine) - $1,000
The Boys and Girls Club of Springfield - $10,000
The Children, Youth, and Family Development Center - $2,500
The Connecting Grounds - $3,000
Total Grants Provided to Date: $33,750
In addition to our pandemic response, Trinity is engaged in a number of other mission and witness activities, including:
Partnering with Westminster Presbyterian Church to fund the community store at Eden Village 2.
Providing financial support to the Rev. Cheryl Barnes, an International Mission Co-Worker of the PC(USA) serving in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Tap here to read Cheryl's latest letter about her work.
Supporting the Shared Mission and Theological Education Funds of John Calvin Presbytery and the Synod of Mid-America.
All of our mission work is enabled through your generosity. Each donation at our curbside food drives, each meal prepared, each pledge sent enables us to witness to the redeeming power of Christ in our world. Thank you! If you would like to know more about the Mission & Public Witness work of Trinity, please reach out to Pastor Chris or Mission & Public Witness Co-Chairs Penni Groves and Debbie Cron.
Weekly Congregation-Wide Study
This summer Pastor Chris is leading a weekly, congregation-wide study each Sunday morning. You are invited to join each Sunday via Zoom from 10:00 a.m. until about 11:15 a.m. The topic each week is stand-alone, so if you need to miss a week, you won’t be behind. If you haven’t joined yet, this is a great week to begin!
To see this week’s topic, and download the participant guide, go here: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/study
August Birthdays at Trinity
Take a moment to say a prayer of thanks for these members of our Trinity family this month!
August 5 Bob Bell
August 7 Colleen Laas
August 8 Jim Stewart
August 9 Carolyn Mitchell
August 9 Jeff Groves
August 14 Tim Wootton
August 15 Clancy Cherry
August 18 Shane Robertson
August 19 David Hart
August 20 Jane Perryman
August 20 Sharon Reed
August 24 Kensey Dressler
August 26 Chuck Christiansen
August 29 George Jones
August 30 Wes Dunn
If you would like to be included in our birthday list, please be sure to update your records with the church office before your birthday occurs. You may call or email your information.
Remaining Connected During Social Distancing
Even though we aren’t together for in-person worship, there is still a lot happening with your Trinity family right now. To see the latest, and how you can get involved in safe ways, visit our News & Updates page on the church website: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/news
Join Us For #Give828
On Aug. 28, 2020, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will be joining #Give828, a national day of giving focused specifically on supporting Black-benefiting organizations. #Give828 isn’t like other fundraising campaigns. This day takes place during Black Philanthropy Month and commemorates multiple important historical landmarks in Black Americans’ march toward freedom. Did you know that on:
Aug. 28, 1955: 14-year-old Emmett Till was brutally murdered by three white men, which became a "flashpoint in the civil rights movement"?
Aug. 28, 1963: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during the landmark March on Washington in Washington, D.C.?
Aug. 28, 2005: Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana? The storm, which devastated New Orleans, inordinately impacted many of the city’s black residents.
Aug. 28, 2008: Then Senator Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for president, becoming the first black man to ever win the nomination and bid for the presidency?
Your gifts to #Give828 will go to support leadership development for leaders of color by funding the Katie Geneva Cannon Scholarship and the Conference for Seminarians of Color. Donating to the campaign is one of the action steps you can take as a part of the Presbyterian Week of Action, Aug. 24–30.
Go to pcusa.org/weekofaction for more information on the Presbyterian Week of Action.
The Session has approved statements that help describe who we are. These are for your edification and reflection, as well as to share with other people. You can find these statements at this link.
For information on participating in the financial life of Trinity, including making a secure online gift, please visit https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/give
Do you have a pastoral concern? Do you have a great idea that you want to share? Do you just want to setup a time to chat? Excellent! Pastor Chris would love to help. Here is how to get in touch:
The easiest way is by email: cmiller@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org
Chris is in the office most days, Mon-Thur, from about 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., depending on evening activities and meetings. You are always welcome to drop by; however, it is best to call ahead to make sure he isn’t in another meeting or on a visit.
You can reach Chris via our Administrative Assistant, June, by calling our office (417.450.2544) during regular office hours (9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.) and she can assist in scheduling an appointment.
Prayer Concerns
If you or someone you love want to be included on the prayer list, please let the office know. (Always get permission before submitting information.) Also, when you want your name removed from the prayer list (or an update added), please let the office know at 417-450-2544 or office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org.
For Ann Hall, who is recovering from surgery and dealing with meningitis.
For Luke, nephew of Ron and Kristin Butler, who is receiving critical medical care, and for his family - parents Gretchen and Mark, and brother Jackson - as they navigate these challenges with him.
For the Havens family. Brenda is making slow progress in recovery after a major cardiac event.
For Lori Becker as she undergoes medical care.
Chris Plate and his family as he continues medical treatment.
Charlotte Dugan, as she receives medical care.
Michael Howell as he recovers from an auto accident.
P.O. Box 3486, Springfield, MO 65808-3486 | 1900 E. Barataria Street | 417-450-2544 | office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org
Learn more about Trinity Presbyterian Church at http://TrinitySpringfieldPCUSA.org
Be sure to follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/trinitypcusaspmo/
Learn more about the denomination at http://www.pcusa.org