Weekly Newsletter - April 23, 2020

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From Pastor Chris

Over the past weeks, as we have tried to find our "new normal" amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a lot of information on physical health. If you need good resources, we have updates and links on our website (https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/covid19). Today, however, I want to talk a little bit about our spiritual and emotional health.

It is normal to have lots of complex emotions during a crisis situation, especially a situation like the current pandemic. When you can't see the thing that is dangerous there isn't a clear point when things can "get back to normal," and on top of it all you need to be physically separated from your support network - that is a recipe for a complicated and intense stew of emotions. There may be times when you feel totally overwhelmed or scared or lonely; that is OK There may also be times when everything just seems fine - and you forget, just for a moment, what all is going on - and that's OK too.

The question is: how do we take care of our spiritual and emotional health with as much care as we do our physical health? Here are a few ideas - take what works for you!

  • Set aside time each day for some kind of spiritual practice. This will be different for each person, but for you it might be reading scripture, time in prayer, listening to or making music, coloring or painting, or spending time in a meaningful conversation with a confidant.

  • Create a "sacred space" in your home where you can go to rest and reconnect with God. A few weeks ago I recorded a short video and wrote a few thoughts; you can see it here: https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/news/creating-sacred-space-at-home

  • Try to have one more personal conversation via phone or video chat than you did last week. Don't feel it has to be deep and meaningful (although if it is, great), just time to check in with family and friends.

  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and doing some movement. (OK, so these are bordering on the physical health side - but our physical health impacts our spiritual and emotional health, and vice versa!)

I hope these ideas can help you feel a bit more grounded today. If you want to chat, feel free to give me a call. My contact info is at the bottom of the newsletter each week.


Pastor Chris

In-Person Activity Suspension

All in-person activities of Trinity have been suspended through and including Sunday, May 10, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes all gatherings such as worship, social events, studies, and meetings. Under our current suspension the first possible date for in-person church activities is Monday, May 11, 2020. We will review the public health situation and current guidance as the end of April approaches and communicate any updates.

We strongly encourage all members and friends of Trinity to follow the COVID-19 mitigation measures being recommended by our public health officials. These steps are essential to slowing the spread and will save lives.

One Great Hour of Sharing

Each year at Easter we collect the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. This offering is the single biggest way Presbyterians around the nation gather together to fund three critical denominational programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. These three programs are on the front lines of providing relief and recovery, and our support is needed now more than ever in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. If you are in a position to do so, please consider supporting this special offering today.

Instructions on how to give via check or online are available here:https://trinityspringfieldpcusa.org/give

Carla's Corner

Is it Spring yet? I made my first iMovie for our Trinity children and made a joke about the weather changing so quickly in Missouri. When I told them the story of Noah's ark, I was sitting by my fireplace, and then when I recorded the song with actions the next day, I was outside as it was 20 degrees warmer! If you'd like to see the little 6-minute video, Pastor Chris included the link in his email this past weekend. It was a lot of fun to make! I hope our kiddos enjoyed it. 

May Day Mission

Every year our Trinity youth have gathered at a home, potted some pretty flowers and delivered them to the doorsteps of members of our church who were home bound or needing a pick-me-up due to an illness or loss of a loved one. This year, we are going to do the same but with a twist. For all who want to participate, I am going to deliver pots, a bag of soil and flowers/plants to their doorstep. I then would like our Trinity kids to paint, color, decorate the pots, for a real personal touch! Then they and their parents will load the pot up with dirt and the plant/flower. Finally, we will deliver these pots to the doorsteps of some Trinity members on May 1. This year, with our current status, EVERYBODY is home bound. So I'm asking for a little assistance as to whom we should deliver our flowers/plants. Pastor Chris and Sharon Marsh are assisting me in this, but I'd also like suggestions from YOU, our Trinity family. 

Weekly Kids Stories/Songs

I really had fun making the Noah's ark video where I read the story and then taught the song with actions. I'm going to try to do this weekly for our kids. I tried to add sound effects to the story to make it more fun for even our smallest Trinity kids. I'm sure I'll get better at this as time goes on, but you should all be on the look out for these videos. I'll email them to parents, but Pastor Chris will also post the link in his weekly email to our church about all of the opportunities to stay connected. Feel free to share if you have grandchildren you think might enjoy but aren't part of our congregation.

Adopt A Trinity Senior!

I have a senior living in my house now. My son, Cole, is graduating from Missouri S&T in May. I have had a lot of sadness regarding the fact he's finishing his degree, which he has worked so hard for, in our basement, online, without his friends and not sure about what graduation will look like. I know this is the same for our Trinity seniors: Sophia Gentle and Daniel Bohnenkamper. I am wondering if we at Trinity can adopt OUR seniors! Definitely with cards, letters, and anything we can come up with. If you need their address, you can find it in our directory or contact me. Next week I will have more regarding our Trinity seniors, including a picture and a little article about each one! Stay tuned!.

April Birthdays at Trinity

Take a moment to say a prayer of thanks for these members of our Trinity family this month!

  • Pat Lange   April 4

  • Charlotte Dugan   April 5

  • David Bohnenkamper   April 6

  • Phyllis Holmes   April 6

  • Laura Fleetwood   April 9

  • Katie Groves   April 10

  • Jeannie Reed   April 17

  • Cindy Rodgers   April 20

  • James Wills   April 25

  • Jan Dunn   April 27

  • Bea Duddridge   April 30

If you would like to be included in our birthday list, please be sure to update your records with the church office before your birthday occurs. You may call or email your information.

Remaining Connected During Social Distancing

For the latest update on staying connected, check out this post by Pastor Chris.


Prayer Concerns

If you or someone you love want to be included on the prayer list, please let the office know. (Always get permission before submitting information.) Also, when you want your name removed from the prayer list (or an update added), please let the office know at 417-450-2544 or office@trinityspringfieldpcusa.org.


  • Strength and comfort for Jerry Redfern and his family.

  • The families of Frances Reynolds, Pat Lockhart, and 'Lyn Meyer (friends from First & Calvary) who have recently passed on to the church triumphant.

  • Chris Plate and his family as he continues medical treatment.

  • Charlotte Dugan, as she receives medical care.

  • Michael Howell as he recovers from an auto accident.

  • Tom Cavicchia and family, for strength and comfort.

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Extended Worship - April 26, 2020


A Prayer for Earth Day